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Pliny the Younger's Epistulae and Panegyricus
C. Plinii Cæcilii Secvndi Epistolæ et Panegyricus, 1653 CE

Pliny the Younger
Statue of Pliny the Younger in Como, possibly the work of Giovanni Rodari, dating from before 1480 CE.

Olduvai Gorge Monument
The Olduvai Gorge monument in Tanzania consists of large-scale sculpted models of Paranthropus boisei and Homo habilis resting on a stone platform. The monument welcomes visitors as they reach the road leading to the gorge and its museum...

Homo Habilis Reconstruction
Homo habilis reconstruction in the Museo de la Evolución Humana, Burgos, sculpture by Elisabeth Daynes (2010) based on the KNM-ER 1813 cranium (Koobi Fora, Kenya, dated 1.9 Ma).

Australopithecus Garhi Reconstruction
Reconstructed skull of Australopithecus garhi from fossils found in 1997 CE (Awash, Afar region). 2.5 million years old. Now found in Addis Ababa, National Museum of Ethiopia.

Ancient World Time Chart
A traditional depiction of the major events of the ancient world (Mesopotamia through the Greeks).

16th century CE Desk with Lute, Globe and Books
A detail of a mid-16th century CE painting by Hans Holbein the Younger showing a desk with a lute, globe and books. From 'The Ambassadors', c. 1533 CE. (National Gallery, London)

Portrait of a Girl with Battledore and Shuttlecock
A portrait of a girl holding a battledore and shuttlecock, Unknown artist, c. 1632 CE.

Card Players by Valentin de Boulogne
An early 17th century CE painting showing soldiers playing cards by Valentin de Boulogne (1591-1632 CE). (National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.)

Elizabethan Falconer
An illustration of an Elizabethan falconer. From the 1575 CE 'Book of Hunting'.