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Plague in an Ancient City
Image by Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Plague in an Ancient City

"Plague in an Ancient City" by Michiel Sweerts (1618-1664 CE) is believed to depict the Plague of Athens (430-427 BCE). Oil on canvas. Painted c. 1652-1654 CE. 118.7 cm (46.7 in) x 170.8 cm (67.2 in). (Courtesy of Los Angeles County Museum...
The Triumph of Death
Image by Museo del Prado

The Triumph of Death

"The Triumph of Death" (Dutch: "De triomf van de Doods") is a painting by Dutch artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c. 1525-1569 CE). Oil on panel. Made c. 1562 CE. 117 cm × 162 cm (46 in × 63.8 in). (Museo del Prado, Madrid)
Greek Statuette of an Emaciated Woman
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Greek Statuette of an Emaciated Woman

A Greek statuette of an emaciated woman from Smyrna, Asia Minor. The woman depicted has an emaciated, skeletal frame and distended belly. Her pose, dress, and youthful hairstyle indicates that she is a young woman suffering from a debilitating...
Physician Preparing an Elixir from De Materia Medica
Image by Marie-Lan Nguyen

Physician Preparing an Elixir from De Materia Medica

Depiction of a physician preparing an elixir. Illustration from a folio of an Arabic translation of the 1st Century CE Greek medical text De Materia Medica. Iraq, 1224 CE. Ink, opaque watercolor, and gold on paper. (Courtesy of the Metropolitan...
Madhubani Painting Mural
Image by Innocentbunny

Madhubani Painting Mural

A modern mural in the Madhubani painting style. Patna, Bihar, India.
Ten Mahavidyas, Shiva and Sakti Madhubani Painting
Image by Toyin Adepoju

Ten Mahavidyas, Shiva and Sakti Madhubani Painting

A Madhubani painting showing the Ten Mahavidyas (10 aspects of wisdom associated with Parvati), Shiva and Sakti, with the serpent Shri Yantra.
Krishna & Rada Madhubani Painting
Image by Padma Shri Sita Devi

Krishna & Rada Madhubani Painting

A Madhubani painting depicting Krishna and Rada. Painted by Padma Shri Sita Devi
Camunian Rose, Valcamonica
Image by Luca Giarelli

Camunian Rose, Valcamonica

A rock carving known as the Camunian Rose at Valcamonica, Lombardy, Italy. 2800-2400 BCE.
Stag Rock Carving, Valcamonica
Image by Roger469

Stag Rock Carving, Valcamonica

Stag rock carving at Valcamonica, Lombardy, Italy. 2800-2400 BCE. Plaster copy. (Archaeological Museum of Milan)
Rock Spirals, Valcamonica
Image by G. Dallorto

Rock Spirals, Valcamonica

Prehistoric spiral rock carvings at Valcamonica, Lombardy, Italy. 2800-2400 BCE. (Archaeological Museum of Milan)