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The Secret History of the Mongols Casket
Image by Xylan2016

The Secret History of the Mongols Casket

The ornate casket containing the 'Secret History of the Mongols' which is a chronicle written in the 13th century CE (with some later additions) and is the most important and oldest medieval Mongolian text. (Government Building, Ulaanbaatar...
The Basilica of Pompeii
Image by Carole Raddato

The Basilica of Pompeii

The Basilica of Pompeii stands near the west corner of the Forum and is the oldest and most important public building in the town. Covering an area of 1,500 square metres, it was built around 130-120 BCE and is one of the oldest examples...
The Frescoes of the Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii
Image by Carole Raddato

The Frescoes of the Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii

The Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii owes its fame to the exquisite wall paintings that cover the walls of one of its reception rooms. A mysterious scene with life-size figures in the Second Pompeian Style seems to depict the initiation...
Mongolian Cheese Curd
Image by Mizu_Basyo

Mongolian Cheese Curd

Mongolian dried cheese curd, a traditional dish eaten by Mongol nomadic peoples.
Traditionally Pressed Mongol Curd
Image by Taylor Weidman / The Vanishing Cultures Project

Traditionally Pressed Mongol Curd

Stones being used to press curd in Khovsgol Province, Mongolia.
A Glass of Kumis
Image by Jpatokal

A Glass of Kumis

A glass of kumis (airagh), the fermented mare's milk drink that has been popular in Mongolia and elsewhere for centuries.
Erotic Fresco in the Lupanar of Pompeii
Image by Carole Raddato

Erotic Fresco in the Lupanar of Pompeii

Erotic fresco from the south wall of the brothel (Lupanar) of Pompeii. 1st century CE.
The Palaestra of the Stabian Baths in Pompeii
Image by Carole Raddato

The Palaestra of the Stabian Baths in Pompeii

View of the exercise yard (palaestra) of the Stabian Baths in Pompeii. Three sides of the courtyard have Doric colonnades constructed of tufa and coated with white stucco. The bathing complex covered a total surface area of over 3,500 square...
The Atrium of the House of the Faun in Pompeii
Image by Carole Raddato

The Atrium of the House of the Faun in Pompeii

View of the large atrium of the House of the Faun in Pompeii with a central impluvium (rainwater basin) and the bronze statue of the Dancing Faun. On either side of the atrium are cubicula (bedrooms) while at the rear is the tablinum (study...
Exploring a Battlefield
Image by Jan van der Crabben

Exploring a Battlefield

Depiction of a plague-infested battlefield during the Hundred Years War as depicted in the video game A Plague Tale: Innocence.