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Western & Eastern Roman Empire, 395 CE
Image by Jan van der Crabben

Western & Eastern Roman Empire, 395 CE

This map shows the division of the Roman Empire into the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire, circa 395 CE under the reign of Emperor Theodosius I.
Bikini Girl Mosaic, Villa Romana del Casale
Image by Yann Forget

Bikini Girl Mosaic, Villa Romana del Casale

Detail of the "Bikini Mosaic" in the Villa Romana del Casale in Pompeii (Italy), depicting Roman girls exercising. 4th century CE.
Mosaic of Amazon Warrior Fighting Greek Rider
Image by Jacques Mossot

Mosaic of Amazon Warrior Fighting Greek Rider

An ancient Roman mosaic from the 4th century CE depicting an Amazon warrior in mounted combat against a Greek rider. The Greek is seizing the Phrygian cap of the Amazon. Cropped detail of a mosaic from Daphne, a suburb of Antioch on the Orontes...
Fresco of Laocoön in the Casa del Menandro
Image by Korrekturen

Fresco of Laocoön in the Casa del Menandro

A fresco depicting the Laocoön story in the Casa del Menandro, Pompeii. (Wikimedia CC BY-SA 3.0)
Cleopatra's Nose
Image by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo

Cleopatra's Nose

In the comic Asterix and Cleopatra (1963), Caesar exclaims, “she is kind, but the spices that easily go up her nose... she is pretty, too, though!” The joke (translated in the English edition as “only her nose is so easily put out of joint”...
Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra VII
Image by 20th Century Fox

Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra VII

The iconic cinematic performance of Elizabeth Taylor in the motion picture Cleopatra (1963) left a lasting impression of the Egyptian queen’s supposed beauty. Despite its emphatic opulence, the movie still implies that Cleopatra could only...
Ptolemy II Before Arsinoe II
Image by British Museum

Ptolemy II Before Arsinoe II

Limestone relief from the Chapel of Ptolemy II at Tanis in the Nile Delta representing Ptolemy II facing Arsinoe II (San el-Hagar, ca. 275-250 BCE; BM reg. no. 1885,1101.5, inv. no. EA-1056). Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum...
Lion Hunt Mosaic, Pella
Image by Julianna Lees

Lion Hunt Mosaic, Pella

A photo of the Lion Hunt Mosaic from Pella, Macedon. The mosaic dates to around the late 4th Century BCE, the same time as the Royal Tombs at Vergina.
Professor Theodore Antikas with Laura-Wynn Antikas Holding the Shorter Greave from the Royal Tomb of Vergina
Image by Antikas team archive

Professor Theodore Antikas with Laura-Wynn Antikas Holding the Shorter Greave from the Royal Tomb of Vergina

Professor Theodore Antikas with Laura-Wynn Antikas holding the shorter greave from the Royal Tomb of Vergina in front of the display cabinet in the Archaeological Museum of Vergina. Courtesy of the Antikas team archive.
Detail of the Laocoön Group - Thymbraeus
Image by Jastrow

Detail of the Laocoön Group - Thymbraeus

A detail from the Laocoön group, showing the anguished expression on the face of Laocoön's younger son, Thymbraeus. A Roman copy made after a Hellenistic original from c. 200 BCE.