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Thai Woman Boiling  Silk Cocoons
Image by Peter van der Sluijs

Thai Woman Boiling Silk Cocoons

A woman from Thailand boils the cocoons of the silkworm in the initial phase of making silk. Photo taken March 2012.
Nymphaeum, Side
Image by Fredrik Boulund

Nymphaeum, Side

Ruins of the Nymphaeum, Side, Turkey.
Kilns at Antiochia ad Cragum
Image by orientalizing

Kilns at Antiochia ad Cragum

Kilns installed in the frigidarium of the bath-gymnasium complex at Antiochia ad Cragum.
Bath Complex at Antiochia ad Cragum
Image by orientalizing

Bath Complex at Antiochia ad Cragum

Bath-gymnasium complex at Antiochia ad Cragum, modern-day Turkey.
Samurai Helmet
Image by Min Lee

Samurai Helmet

A samurai helmet with facemask in metal. First half of the 17th century CE. (Asian Art Museum, San Francisco)
Roman Road in Tarsus
Image by Matt Krause

Roman Road in Tarsus

Remains of a Roman road in Tarsus, Cilicia, modern-day Turkey.
Roman Road, Tarsus
Image by Troels Myrup

Roman Road, Tarsus

Remains of a Roman road in Tarsus, Cilicia.
Sima Ying
Image by Creative Assembly

Sima Ying

Artist's impression of Sima Ying (d. 306 CE) as depicted in the video game Total War: Three Kingdoms, The Eight Princes Chapter Pack.
Sima Wei
Image by Creative Assembly

Sima Wei

Artist's impression of Sima Wei (d. 291 CE) as depicted in the video game Total War: The Three Kingdoms, The Eight Princes Chapter Pack.
Emperor Wu of Jin
Image by Jappalang

Emperor Wu of Jin

Sima Yan, convinced Cao Huan to abdicate in his favor and then founded the Jin Dynasty in 266 CE, taking the throne name of Emperor Wu of Jin. Thirteen Emperors Scroll, Boston Museum of Fine Arts