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Parthian King Offering Sacrifice
This is the frontal bas-relief of a Parthian king offering sacrifice to the god Heracles-Verethragna, patron god of royal dynasties, presently housed in room 310 of the Louvre Museum, Paris, France. 2nd-3rd century CE.

A Thermopolium in Herculaneum
The remains of a thermopolium (cook-shop) that sold food and drink in Herculaneum. Eight earthenware jars that would have contained cereals, vegetables and ready-to-eat food are set in the counter.

Two-storey Buildings in Herculaneum
View of the Decumanus Maximus (main east-west axis) of Herculaneum with the House of the Black Hall on the left and the House of the Bicentenary on the right.

Neptune & Amphitrite Mosaic, Herculaneum
Mosaic decoration depicting the sea god Neptune with his wife Amphitrite. Summer triclinium of the House of Neptune and Amphitrite, Herculaneum.

Cleopatra's Nose, Blaise Pascal
“The nose of Cleopatra: if it had been shorter, the whole face of the earth would have changed” ~ Blaise Pascal, Pensées 162. On the basis of portrait coins struck by Cleopatra, philosophers such as Blaise Pascal (1623-1662 CE) assumed...

Family Tree of Arsinoe II
Stemma (reduced family tree) of Arsinoe II, the daughter of Ptolemy I and Berenice I, showing her three marriages to Lysimachus, her half-brother Ptolemy Ceraunus, and her full brother Ptolemy II, who was first married to Lysimachus’ daughter...

The Atrium of the House of the Wooden Screen, Herculaneum
The atrium of the House of the Wooden Screen in Herculaneum with central rainwater basin (impluvium) and marble table (cartibulum). In the background, the tablinum is separated by an elegant wooden partition. The simple mosaic floor indicates...

View of Herculaneum from the Seafront towards Vesuvius
Herculaneum, located on the Bay of Naples, was a Roman town which was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE.

Ptolemy I with Berenice I & Ptolemy II with Arsinoe II
Gold octodrachm (mnaieion) with the draped and diademed jugate busts of siblings Ptolemy II and Arsinoe II on the reverse; Ptolemy I and Berenice I as their divine parents on the reverse. The legends over the portraits read Adelphōn (“of...

Coin Portrait of Arsinoe II
Gold octadrachm (mnaieion), from Alexandria, c. 253-246 BCE. The obverse shows the veiled portrait of Arsinoe II; the reverse illustrates a double cornucopia (dikeras), bound with a royal fillet (diadēma) and overflowing with grapes, pomegranate...