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Visualization of the Body of Tamut
Image by Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Visualization of the Body of Tamut

Visualization of the body of Tamut, Third Intermediate Period, early 22nd Dynasty, about 900 BCE, EA 22939.
Visualisation of the Mummy of Irthorru
Image by Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Visualisation of the Mummy of Irthorru

Visualisation of the mummy of Irthorru, 26th Dynasty, about 600 BCE, EA 20745.
Egyptian Funerary Boat
Image by Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Egyptian Funerary Boat

Model of a funerary boat, 12th Dynasty, c. 1985–1795 BCE, provenance unknown, sycamore fig wood, EA 9525.
The Assassins Alamut Castle, Iran
Image by Alireza Javaheri

The Assassins Alamut Castle, Iran

The castle of Alamut, Qazvin, Iran, one-time castle of the Assassins (aka Nizari Ismailis) before their destruction at the hands of the Mongols in the 1250s CE.
An Audience with Mongke Khan
Image by Unknown Artist

An Audience with Mongke Khan

A mid-15th century CE manuscript illustration showing an audience with Mongke Khan, ruler of the Mongol Empire from 1251 to 1259 CE. From the 'Tarikh-i Jahangushay-i Juvaini' by Ata-Malik Juvayni (1226-1283 CE). (National Library of France...
Traditional Mongol Hunters
Image by Carfull...from Wyoming

Traditional Mongol Hunters

Mongol hunters using traditional weapons as used during the Mongol Empire of the 13th and 14th century CE.
The Mongolian Steppe
Image by Jeanne Menjoulet

The Mongolian Steppe

A panoramic view of the Mongolian Steppe.
Image by nz_willowherb


Kelpies sculpture, Falkirk, Scotland.
Image by shinji_w


Akabeko, Aizu wakamatsu Sta., Fukushima
Image by Magnus Manske


Depiction of a Maya deity or supernatural figure appearing on page 53a of the Dresden Codex, identified as a representation of Ixtab.