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Borghese Dancers
Image by Jan van der Crabben

Borghese Dancers

Marble relief depicting the Hours, the goddesses of time in Greek Mythology, accompanied by the Graces. The work is typical of Neo-Attic workshops which produced Greek-style sculptures for Roman clients. The relief is named after the Villa...
Greeks Battling Amazons
Image by Jan van der Crabben

Greeks Battling Amazons

Greek soldiers fighting Amazons during the Trojan War. On the far right, Odysseus is shown (with a beard). Relief from the side of a sarcophagus, c. 180 CE, discovered in Thessaloniki, Greece. Louvre Museum, Paris, France (LP 2584, No...
Achilles Holding Penthesilea
Image by Jan van der Crabben

Achilles Holding Penthesilea

Achilles holding the Amazon Queen Penthesilea, whom he fell in love with at the moment he killed her during the Trojan War. Relief from the side of a sarcophagus, c. 180 CE, discovered in Thessaloniki, Greece. Louvre Museum, Paris, France...
Offering to Inanna, Warka Vase [Top Register]
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Offering to Inanna, Warka Vase [Top Register]

The votive or sacred Warka Vase is decorated with three horizontal registers and shows signs of repair in antiquity. The top register depicts a complete scene. Here, a naked man offers a bowl of fruits and grains to a Mesopotamian female...
Offering Scene, Warka Vase [Top  Register]
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Offering Scene, Warka Vase [Top Register]

The votive or sacred Warka Vase is decorated with three horizontal registers and shows signs of repair in antiquity. The top register depicts a complete scene. Here, a collection of votive offerings (animals, fruits, and grains) are being...
Detail of Warka Vase [Top Register]
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Detail of Warka Vase [Top Register]

The votive or sacred Warka Vase is decorated with three horizontal registers and shows signs of repair in antiquity. The top register depicts a complete scene. Here, a male figure holds what appears to be a belly belt of priest or chieftain...
Throne Dais of Shalmaneser III [South Face, East End]
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Throne Dais of Shalmaneser III [South Face, East End]

This scene is part of a long tributary one where the Shalmaneser III (r. 858-824 BCE) receives Chaldean tribute from Musallim-Marduk, son of Ukani. On the right, a groom leads a pair of horses, unharnessed except for the halter by which...
Throne Dais of Shalmaneser III [North Face, West End]
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Throne Dais of Shalmaneser III [North Face, West End]

This scene is part of a long tributary one where Shalmaneser III (r. 858-824 BCE) receives tribute from Qalparunda (c. mid 9th Century BCE) of the Land of Unqi (a Luwian Syri-Hittite state, also known as Pattin). The procession is headed...
Warka Vase [Bottom Register]
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Warka Vase [Bottom Register]

The votive or sacred Warka Vase is decorated with three horizontal registers and shows signs of repair in antiquity. The bottom register of the Warka Vase is composed of two horizontal parts. The lower portion depicts naturalistic components...
Throne Dais of Shalmaneser III [North-West Re-entrant, W. Face]
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Throne Dais of Shalmaneser III [North-West Re-entrant, W. Face]

This scene is part of a long tributary one where Shalmaneser III (r. 858-824 BCE) receives tribute from Qalparunda of the Land of Unqi (a Luwian Syri-Hittite state, also known as Pattin). On the left, there are two figures, of whom the first...