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Edict from Medieval Egypt
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Edict from Medieval Egypt

This piece of papyrus is written using both Arabic and Greek languages about an edict of the governor of Egypt. The date is November 22, 713 CE. From Egypt, precise provenance is unknown. (The Neues Museum, Berlin, Germany).
Egyptian Cubit
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Egyptian Cubit

Limestone fragment of an ancient Egyptian cubit in the shape of a five-edged ruler, from Egypt, precise provenance is unknown. New Kingdom of Egypt, 1550-1070 BCE. The Neues Museum, Berlin.
Hunting Scene with Ostriches & Ibexes
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Hunting Scene with Ostriches & Ibexes

Part of a hunting scene showing ostriches, ibexes, and a cub (upper register) and what appears to be a lizard and hunting dogs (lower register) in a hilly desert landscape. The upper part is the so-called Kheker Frieze. Hunting scenes were...
Statuette of a Woman from Naqada
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Statuette of a Woman from Naqada

Burned clay statuette of a woman standing in a vat. Probably from Naqada, Egypt. Naqada II (Gerzeh culture), c. 3600 BCE. (The Neues Museum, Berlin, Germany).
Male Baboon from Abydos
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Male Baboon from Abydos

This calcite-alabaster almost life-size statue depicts a male baboon squatting on a base. The front part of the base was inscribed with hieroglyphic signs but they no longer discernible. However, a partially surviving Serekh sign mentions...
Sandals from Luxor
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Sandals from Luxor

A pair of sandals with curves tip and footrest with footmarks. Plant fibers and wood. From Luxor, Egypt. 1550-870 BCE. (The Neues Museum, Berlin, Germany).
Wine Vessel in the Shape of Bes
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Wine Vessel in the Shape of Bes

Wine vessel in the shape of the Egyptian dwarf god Bes. The vessel is relatively well-preserved. Few such vessels of Bes with blue painting were found; this vessel is one of the best-surviving examples. Painted ceramic. Probably from Amarna...
Model of an Egyptian Granary
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Model of an Egyptian Granary

Model of a granary. Wood. From Egypt, precise provenance is unknown. Middle Kingdom, 12th Dynasty, c. 1800 BCE. (The Neues Museum, Berlin, Germany).
Faience Cup of Shoshenq
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Faience Cup of Shoshenq

Faience cup of Shoshenq with a representation of different deities. From Saqqara, Egypt. Third Intermediate Period, 22nd (Libyan or Bubastite) Dynasty, 944-716 BCE. It is on display at the Neues Museum, Berlin, Germany.
Cup in the Shape of Lotus
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Cup in the Shape of Lotus

Faience cup in the shape of a lotus blossom. From Egypt, precise provenance is unknown. New Kingdom, 1540-1290 BCE. (The Neues Museum, Berlin, Germany).