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Samurai Swords
Image by Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Samurai Swords

Two steel-bladed Japanese samurai swords: the longer katana and shorter wakizashi. 18-19th century CE. (Los Angeles County Museum of Art)
Samurai Onikojima Yataro Kazutada
Image by Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Samurai Onikojima Yataro Kazutada

A mid-19th century CE woodblock print by Utagawa Kuniyoshi of the samurai Onikojima Yatarô Kazutada (1522-1582 CE). (Private Collection)
Mongol Invasion of Japan, 1281 CE
Image by Unknown Artist

Mongol Invasion of Japan, 1281 CE

A detail showing the failed Mongol attack on the defensive walls of Hakata, Japan in 1281 CE. From the Mongol Scroll, aka the 'Illustrated Account of the Mongol Invasion of Japan.' Commissioned by Takezaki Suenaga, 1293 CE.
Japanese Samurai Attack Mongol Ships
Image by Unknown Artist

Japanese Samurai Attack Mongol Ships

A detail showing Japanese samurai attacking a much larger Mongol ship during the failed invasions of Japan in 1274 and 1281 CE. From the Mongol Scroll, aka the 'Illustrated Account of the Mongol Invasion of Japan.' Commissioned by Takezaki...
Massacre of the Paulicians
Image by Cplakidas

Massacre of the Paulicians

The massacre of the Paulicians in 843/844 CE. Chronicle of John Skylitzes, cod. Vitr. 26-2, fol. 69, Madrid National Library
Jan Hus Being Burnt at the Stake
Image by Fb78

Jan Hus Being Burnt at the Stake

Diebold Schilling's Spiezer Chronik (1485 CE), Burgerbibliotheek Bern.
Lorenzo Valla
Image by Jan Arkesteijn

Lorenzo Valla

Lorenzo Valla (1407-1457 CE) by Jean-Jacques Boissard, 17th century CE. University Mannheim.
Coronation of Pepin the Short
Image by Acoma

Coronation of Pepin the Short

Coronation of Pepin the Short in 754 CE by Pope Stephen II. Grandes Chroniques de France, illumination by Jean Fouquet, Tours, c. 1455-1460 CE. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, French Manuscript 6465, fol. 76.
Donation of Constantine
Image by Ras67

Donation of Constantine

Sylvester I (served 315-335 CE) and Constantine the Great (r. 306-337 CE), San Silvestro Chapel at Santi Quattro Coronati, Rome.
The Mongol Scroll, 1293 CE
Image by Mōko Shūrai Ekotoba

The Mongol Scroll, 1293 CE

The Mongol Scroll, aka the 'Illustrated Account of the Mongol Invasion of Japan.' Commissioned by Takezaki Suenaga, a samurai warrior who fought during the Mongol invasions of Japan in 1274 and 1281 CE, the painted scroll was produced in...