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Relief of Shamash from Hatra
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Relief of Shamash from Hatra

Alabaster slab depicting a male figure, en face. Behind his head, a large disc with radiating rays appear. The figure is Shamash, the god of divine justice and the sun. From Hatra, Ninawa Governorate, Iraq. Parthian period, 1st to 3rd century...
Braganza Brooch
Image by British Museum

Braganza Brooch

A 3rd Century BCE gold fibula depicting a Celtic warrior. A Celtic warrior with a sword, oval shield, and pointed helmet is depicted defending himself from a dog which is jumping on him, two other dog heads are on each end of the fibula...
Gallic Coin with Charioteer
Image by British Museum

Gallic Coin with Charioteer

The reverse of a 2nd Century - 1st Century BCE gold stater minted in Gaul. This side depicts a man riding a chariot which is being pulled by a horse with a stylized human face. From the British Museum in London.
Aramaic Inscription from Hatra
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Aramaic Inscription from Hatra

This marble slab was inscribed with an Aramaic script mentioning the name of "Hatra" as the center of the region "Araba". From the 11th temple at Hatra, Ninawa Governorate, Iraq. Parthian period, 1st to 3rd century CE. On display at the Iraq...
Anthropomorphic Celtic Sword
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Anthropomorphic Celtic Sword

A Celtic sword and its scabbard (now amalgamated) from c. 60 BCE, associated with the La Tene culture. The sword's hilt is decorated with the head of a warrior, geometrically reduced like many other examples of Celtic art. The sword and its...
Celtic Helmet, British Museum
Image by British Museum

Celtic Helmet, British Museum

A peaked copper-alloy helmet decorated in La Tene style. This style of helmet inspired the Roman "coolus" type helmet, which was one of the more common helmets used by Roman soldiers until its gradual replacement by the so-called "Imperial...
Statue of Sanatruq I from Hatra
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Statue of Sanatruq I from Hatra

This is, a little bit larger than a life-size, marble statue of Sanatruq I (reigned c. 140 - 180 CE), king of Hatra. The king wears an exquisitely carved dress and a headdress of an eagle. His right hand is raised in salutation while the...
Battersea Shield
Image by British Museum

Battersea Shield

The "Battersea Shield" is a bronze Celtic shield facing from the 4th - 1st Century BCE. The shield facing is decorated with red enamel in the La Tene style, and was probably made in Britain. From the British Museum in London.
Wandsworth Shield Boss
Image by British Museum

Wandsworth Shield Boss

A 4th - 2nd Century BCE copper alloy shield boss from Wandsworth, England. This shield boss is approximately 32.8 centimeters (12.9 inches) in diameter, and was once fixed to the front of a wooden shield by six rivets. The shield boss is...
Statue of a Lion from Hatra
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Statue of a Lion from Hatra

This limestone statue of a lion (of a pair) was guarding the main entrance to the 4th temple at Hatra dedicated to the goddess Ishtar. From Hatra, Ninawa Governorate, Iraq. Parthian period, 1st to 3rd century CE . On display at the Iraq Museum...