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Hattusa Sightseeing Trail
Image by Carole Raddato

Hattusa Sightseeing Trail

The whole tour of the ancient city of Hattusa (the capital of the Hittite Empire in the Late Bronze Age) can be completed by following the designated trail around the site either on foot or by car.
The Great Temple of Hattusa
Image by Carole Raddato

The Great Temple of Hattusa

The area of the Great Temple located in the Lower City of Hattusa (the capital of the Hittite Empire in the Late Bronze Age). The temple was built in the 14th century BCE and was dedicated to the supreme deities of the Hittites, Teshub, the...
Sphinx Gate in Hattusa
Image by Carole Raddato

Sphinx Gate in Hattusa

The Sphinx Gate in Hattusa (the capital of the Hittite Empire in the Late Bronze Age) was part of the city's fortifications. All four door jambs of the gate bore representations of Sphinxes. Only one original Sphinx is still in place while...
Nok Sculpture
Image by Marie-Lan Nguyen

Nok Sculpture

A terracotta figurine produced by the Nok Culture of southern West Africa (500 BCE - 200 CE). (Louvre Museum, Paris)
The Book of the Three Virtues
Image by Drmies

The Book of the Three Virtues

Illustration from Christine de Pizan's The Book of the Three Virtues (1405 CE). Boston Public Library.
Christine de Pizan Presenting Her Book to Queen Isabeau
Image by PKM

Christine de Pizan Presenting Her Book to Queen Isabeau

Detail of a presentation miniature with Christine de Pizan presenting her book to Queen Isabeau of Bavaria. Illuminated miniature from The Book of the Queen (various works by Christine de Pizan), BL Harley 4431., c. 1410-14 CE, British Library...
The Book of the City of Ladies
Image by The Yorck Project

The Book of the City of Ladies

Illumination from Christine de Pizan's The Book of the City of Ladies (1405 CE). Bibliothèque nationale de France, Fr.607, f.2
Seven Books of History Against the Pagans
Image by Marcella Medici

Seven Books of History Against the Pagans

Orosius' (5th century CE) Historiae adversus paganos, 1561 CE edition. Available in the BEIC digital library.
King’s Gate in Hattusa
Image by Carole Raddato

King’s Gate in Hattusa

The King’s Gate in Hattusa (the capital of the Hittite Empire in the Late Bronze Age) was part of the city's fortifications. The gate is decorated with a sculpture of the God of War in high relief and measuring 2.25m in height. The original...
Luwian Hieroglyphs in Hattusa
Image by Travelling Runes

Luwian Hieroglyphs in Hattusa

Luwian Hieroglyphs in Hattusa (the capital of the Hittite Empire) which adorned a chamber perhaps representing a symbolic entrance to the Underworld. The chamber was commissioned by Suppiluliuma II (1207–1178 BCE), the last of the famous...