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Saint Frumentius
A modern representation of Saint Frumentius who is credited with introducing the African kingdom of Axum to Christianity in the mid-4th century CE.

Deities of the Padmakula Mandala
Deities of the Padmakula Mandala; Dunhuang, China; period of Tibetan rule (781–848 CE); pigments on silk; 35 1/4 x 23 5/8 in. (89.6 x 60 cm); Musée des arts asiatiques – Guimet, Paris; Mission of Paul Pelliot, 1906–1908 CE; EO1131; photograph...

Tibetan Vase, Beaker & Rhyton
Vase; Central Asia or Tibet; early 8th century CE; silver with gilding; overall:9 in. (22.9 cm); The Cleveland Museum of Art; purchase from the J. H. Wade Fund; 1988.67.1. Beaker; Central Asia or Tibet; early 8th century CE; silver with...

Dante Alighieri by Signorelli
Dante Alighieri, detail from Luca Signorelli's fresco, Chapel of San Brizio, Orvieto Cathedral.

Dante, Florence Cathedral
Dante, poised between the mountain of Purgatory and the city of Florence, displays the famous incipit Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita in a detail of Domenico di Michelino's painting, 1465 CE. Florence Cathedral.

Canterbury Tales
Opening page of The Wife of Bath's Prologue Tale, from the Ellesmere manuscript of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, c. 1400-1410 CE, Huntington Library

Royal Obelisk, Axum
A stone monolithic obelisk marking the tomb of King Ezanas of the kingdom of Axum (aka Aksum, modern Ethiopia), c. 400 CE. The carvings imitate the architectural features of dry-stone and timber housing.

Traditional Bhutanese Food
The traditional food of Bhutan.

Distinctive Bhutanese Architecture in Paro.
Contemporary Bhutanese buildings are often reconstructions of traditional and distinctive architecture. This photo shows modern offices and shops in the main street of Paro.

Bhutanese National Costume - Gho
The traditional Bhutanese costume for men - the Gho.