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Image by Jón Þórðarson and Magnús Þorhallsson


Page from the Flateyjarbók (GkS 1005 fol.), a 14th century CE manuscript containing several Old Norse-Icelandic sagas, most of which are of the kings' sagas (konungasögur) subgenre.
Njals Saga in the Modruvallabok
Image by GDK

Njals Saga in the Modruvallabok

Folio 13r, showing a page from Njáls saga, from the Möðruvallabók (AM 132), an Icelandic manuscript from c. 1330-1370 CE containing the most significant surviving collection of Sagas of Icelanders. It records some sagas in full or in part...
Double-Faced Female Figure of Astarte[?]
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Double-Faced Female Figure of Astarte[?]

This limestone head probably represents the goddess Astarte. Some of the ivory inlays still remain within the eye sockets while holes on the collar were probably for inlay decorations. Four such heads were discovered together in 1968 CE and...
The Bal'am Text from Deir Alla
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

The Bal'am Text from Deir Alla

This is a detail of the so-called "Bal'am Text" (also Balaam Inscription) which was discovered in 1967 CE at Tell Deir Alla, in modern-day Balqa Governorate, Jordan. It was written in around 800 BCE. It was written in black and red ink on...
Rock Carved with an Animal Image from Dhuwayla
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Rock Carved with an Animal Image from Dhuwayla

Rock carved with an animal image from Dhuwayla in the northeastern desert, Jordan, Pre-Pottery Neolithic B, 6900-6500 BCE. Over a hundred stones with rock carvings were discovered in a small seasonal hunting camp in the desert. The majority...
Dome of Chora Museum
Image by Emre Tugay

Dome of Chora Museum

Virgin Mary (Theotokos) and Child Christ are depicted at the center of the dome with 12 angels, including Gabriel, Michael, Uriel and Raphael. The monograms on both sides of Virgin Mary's heads means "Mother of God". 14th century CE.
Neolithic Flint Dagger from Ba'ja
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Neolithic Flint Dagger from Ba'ja

A rare example of Neolithic daggers made by pressure knapping, found in a group burial Ba'ja, north of Petra, Jordan, 7500-7000 BCE. The Jordan Museum, Amman.
Bone Awls from Ain Ghazal
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Bone Awls from Ain Ghazal

Bone awls polished to suit the purposes of weaving. They were also used for piecing and sewing leather. From Ain (Ayn) Ghazal, Amman, Jordan, Neolithic period, 10200-5000 BCE. The Jordan Museum, Amman.
Arabic Inscription from Petra
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Arabic Inscription from Petra

Over a thousand years old, this Arabic inscription was found in Wadi Musa, just outside of Petra. This limestone block was a tombstone dedicated to the memory of an important man then, Abu al-Husayn ibn Abdullah, who died in 787 CE. The inscription...
Taurus from the Adh-Dharish Temple Facade
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Taurus from the Adh-Dharish Temple Facade

This statue of Taurus was part of the temple's facade. The temple was designed according to classical fashion. It contains major constitutional elements of classical architectural order, but its decoration was not classical at all. The temple...