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The Wolf & Little Red Riding Hood
An illustration from the medieval folk tale Little Red Riding Hood. (From 'Little Red Riding Hood' by Jessie Willcox Smith, 1911 CE)

The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg
An illustration from the medieval folk tale of the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg. (From The 'Æsop for Children', by Æsop, illustrated by Milo Winter)

Cinderella & the Fairy Godmother
An illustration of Cinderella and her fairy godmother, a medieval fairy tale. (From 'Childhood's Favorites and Fairy Stories' by Various)

Stamped Pottery Jar from Tell al-Khulayfi
An oval seal impression repeated on the rim and handles of a large jar. Seal impressions are official guarantees of the jars and their contents; therefore, stamped jars indicated the presence of a local administrative center and trade relations...

The Lioness Woman from Tell Zar'a
This figurine is a combination of the Syrian goddess Astarte with the Egyptian Hathor-Sekhmet. The head is formed so that the front shows the face of a woman while the side view is the profile of a lioness. The goddesses were associated with...

Marble Statue of Apollo from Samaria
Apollo was the god of music, light, truth, and healing in Graeco-Roman mythology, but this statue was found in a temple dedicated to "Kore", the goddess of the underworld and vegetation. The back of the statue was not polished, suggesting...

Marble Statue of a Man from Jerash
This man wears a "toga", a garment that was only worn by holders of the Roman citizenship. His shoes reflect his aristocratic social rank (equestrian). Behind him, was a basket of scrolls (rotuli); possibly, he held one of them in his left...

Wall Graffiti from Petra
Many ancient inscriptions that were written or etched on wall plaster have survived. This red plastic fragment with scratched Greek is from an inner wall of the Temple of Winged Lions at Petra, dated to the 4th century CE. (The Jordan Museum...

Greek Artist's Signature
The sculptor's signature, written in Greek, can be seen on the base (left) of this marble statue. The text reads "Antoninus Alexandreus, son of Antiochos, made this by himself". The statue may be of Apollo or a muse. The name Antoninus Alexandreus...

Terracotta Figurine of Dionysos-Bacchus
The god of theater and ritual ecstasy; the presence of wreaths of vine leaves and bunches of grapes in his hair indicate winemaking. He wears a Greek coat (himation), holds a scepter, and pours wine to a panther seated below him. This depiction...