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Caves of Matala, Crete
The caves of Matala date from the Neolithic Period and the area was an important port of Phaistos during the Minoan Age. In Greek Mythology, when Zeus abducts Europa, he brings her to the beach of Matala.

The Panathenaic Way, Athens, Greece
The Panathenaic Way was the road leading from the main gate of Athens up to the Acropolis and built for the purpose of the great Panathenaia religious festival.

Nile River from Cairo, Egypt
The Nile River, vital aspect of the civilization of ancient Egypt, as seen from Cairo.

The Pyramids of Giza
The Pyramids of Giza, dated to the 4th Dynasty of the Old Kingdom of ancient Egypt, c. 2613-2181 BCE.

Temple of Aphaia at Aegina
The Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, Greece c. 500 BCE.

Temple of Aphaia
The Temple of Aphaia, a local fertility goddess of the island of Aegina, Greece, c. 500 BCE.

Temple of Aphaia, Aegina
The temple of local fertility goddess Aphaia whose role was eventually assumed by Athena; c. 500 BCE.

Statue of Saint Brendan
A modern statue in County Cork of the 5th century CE Irish monk Saint Brendan who features in the 'Navigatio Sancti Brendani abbatis'.

The Voyage of Saint Brendan
A modern painting showing the voyage of the 5th century CE Irish monk Saint Brendan, as told in the 'Navigatio Sancti Brendani abbatis'. Artist: Edward Reginald Frampton. (Chazen Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin, USA)

Saint Brendan’s Voyage
St. Brendan’s voyage, 1460 CE manuscript image. From a book illustration Manuscriptum translationis germanicae, Cod. Pal. Germ. 60, fol. 179v (University Library Augsburg, Germany)