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South Rose Window, Chartres Cathedral
Image by Spencer Means

South Rose Window, Chartres Cathedral

The South Rose window of Chartres Cathedral, France, 1190-1220 CE. The stained glass window shows scenes of Jesus Christ and the Judgement of the Apocalypse.
South Porch, Chartres Cathedral
Image by Steven Zucker

South Porch, Chartres Cathedral

The South porch of Chartres Cathedral, France., completed 1220 CE.
Detail, South Rose Window, Chartres Cathedral
Image by dvdbramhall

Detail, South Rose Window, Chartres Cathedral

A detail of the South rose window of Chartres Cathedral, France, 1190-1220 CE. The stained glass window shows scenes of Jesus Christ and the Judgement of the Apocalypse
Labyrinth, Chartres Cathedral
Image by Fab5669

Labyrinth, Chartres Cathedral

The labyrinth paving of the central nave of Chartres Cathedral, France. Laid down c. 1200 CE it was meant for pilgrims to ritually wander around.
Doorway, Tonto National Monument
Image by Trevor Huxam

Doorway, Tonto National Monument

Ruins and doorway at Tonto National Monument, location of the Salado Culture in the 13th-15th century CE, Arizona-New Mexico, USA.
Tonto National Monument
Image by Al_HikesAZ

Tonto National Monument

Ruins at Tonto National Monument, location of the Salado Culture in the 13th-15th century CE, Arizona-New Mexico, USA.
Salado Polychrome Jar
Image by US-NPS

Salado Polychrome Jar

A Salado polychrome jar, typical of the Salado Culture style of decoration. 1340-1450 CE, Arizona- New Mexico, USA.
Chartres Cathedral
Image by Olvr

Chartres Cathedral

Chartres Cathedral, France. Constructed between 1194 and 1220 CE.
Irish Gospels of Saint Gall
Image by Stiftsbibliothek St.Gallen

Irish Gospels of Saint Gall

Illuminated manuscript most likely produced in Ireland during the 8th century CE, 268 pages, 29.5 × 22.5 cm. Stiftsbibliothek St.Gallen
Map of the Roman Forum
Image by Samuel Ball Platner

Map of the Roman Forum

A map of the Roman Forum or Forum Romanum in Rome.