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Thomas Howard, Lord High Steward
Image by Hans Holbein

Thomas Howard, Lord High Steward

A painting of Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk (1473-1574 CE) who served as Lord High Steward amongst many other offices of state in a long career. (Painting by Hans Holbein the Younger, Windsor Castle, England)
Medieval Noble Taking His Bath
Image by Unknown Artist

Medieval Noble Taking His Bath

An illustration of a medieval noble taking his bath and being attended to by servants. (Codex Manesse, 14th century CE, Zurich, Switzerland)
Viking Age Swords
Image by Kleon3

Viking Age Swords

Three Viking Age swords dated to between c. 750-950 CE are shown here. They were found in the river Meuse near Den Bosch, Aalburg and Wessem, in the Netherlands. They now belong to the collections of the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden...
The Battle of Stiklestad
Image by Peter Nicolai Arbo

The Battle of Stiklestad

Artist's rendition of the Battle of Stiklestad in 1030 CE, an alleged (but not 100% proven to be historic) battle in which King Olaf II of Norway (also known as Olaf II Haraldsson, r. 1015-1028 CE) was killed by the opposing peasant army.
Viking Age Helmet
Image by NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet

Viking Age Helmet

The Viking Age helmet pictured here is known as the Gjermundbu helmet, named after the farm it was found at near Haugsbygd, Norway, in 1943 CE. It was located inside a Viking Age burial chamber. Although at the time of discovery it was in...
Cardiff Castle Shell Keep
Image by Robin Byles

Cardiff Castle Shell Keep

The shell keep of Cardiff Castle, built c 1150 CE.
Aigues-Mortes Enceinte
Image by Mark Cartwright

Aigues-Mortes Enceinte

The enceinte (wall enclosing a castle or town) of Aigues-Mortes, France. 13th century CE.
Soncino Castle, Italy
Image by Mark Cartwright

Soncino Castle, Italy

Soncino Castle, Lombardy, Italy. First built in the 10th century CE and then rebuilt in the 13th century CE. The barbican adds extra protection to the principal entrance of the castle and gatehouse.
Soncino Castle
Image by Mark Cartwright

Soncino Castle

Soncino Castle, Lombardy, Italy. First built in the 10th century CE and then rebuilt in the 13th century CE. Here can be clearly seen the massive angled additional base to the walls known as a talus which increased the difficulty in climbing...
Chateau de Suscinio
Image by Mark Cartwright

Chateau de Suscinio

Château de Suscinio, Morbihan, France. First built in the 13th century CE as the residence of the Dukes of Britanny.