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Chinese Relief-Carved Ewer
Image by James Blake Wiener

Chinese Relief-Carved Ewer

This lovely relief-carved ewer comes from China's Shaanxi province and the Yaozhou kilns. It was made during the Five Dynasties Era (c. 907-960 CE). (Museum Rietberg, Zürich).
Chinese Gourd-Shaped Ewer and Cover
Image by James Blake Wiener

Chinese Gourd-Shaped Ewer and Cover

This beautiful gourd-shaped ewer and cover comes from China's Yue kilns, which were in Zhejiang province. They were made during the era of the Northern Song Dynasty, around c. 11-12th centuries CE. (Museum Rietberg, Zürich).
Chinese Buddhist Votive Stele
Image by James Blake Wiener

Chinese Buddhist Votive Stele

This Buddhist votive stele made from chalkstone comes from China's Shanxi province, and it dates from c. 520 CE during the era of the Northern Wei Dynasty. (Museum Rietberg, Zürich)
Ancient Chinese Water Buffalo Figure
Image by James Blake Wiener

Ancient Chinese Water Buffalo Figure

This figurine of a reclining water buffalo comes from northern China. It was created during the period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, c. 2nd-3rd centuries CE. (Museum Rietberg, Zürich).
Prehistoric Carving of Horses on Bone
Image by James Blake Wiener

Prehistoric Carving of Horses on Bone

These wild horses carved onto reindeer antler date from c. 13000 BCE. It is one of the oldest figurative depictions found in what is present-day Switzerland. The perforated antler baton may have been used as a scepter or may have served as...
Rich Alemanni Grave Goods
Image by James Blake Wiener

Rich Alemanni Grave Goods

This collection of rich Alemanni grave goods dates from c. 550 CE, and it was found on Bäckerstrasse in what is present-day Zurich, Switzerland. Of particular note are the bird-shaped brooches made of gold with almadine (gemstone) inlay...
Gallo-Roman Altar
Image by James Blake Wiener

Gallo-Roman Altar

This Gallo-Roman altar was donated by Quintus Nicennius in honor of the Celtic goddesses of the crossroads. The worshiping of these deities dates back to the era before the Roman occupation of Gaul and what is now present-day Switzerland...
Roman Tiger Mosaic
Image by James Blake Wiener

Roman Tiger Mosaic

This Roman mosaic of an exotic tiger comes from Avenches, Switzerland. It was made from stone and glass, and it dates from c. 200-250 CE. (Landesmuseum, Zürich)
Byzantine Diptych of Ivory
Image by James Blake Wiener

Byzantine Diptych of Ivory

Diptych (two-part writing tablet), ivory. c. 506 CE. From the collection of the Zurich historian J. H. Hottinger (1620-1667 CE). The man on the throne was called Areobindus. He is shown giving the signal to begin the animal combat depicted...
Roman Funerary Stela from Zurich
Image by James Blake Wiener

Roman Funerary Stela from Zurich

A father had this tombstone erected in memory of his little boy Lucius, who had died at the age of two. The inscription in Latin not only mentions the profession of the man, who was head of the Zurich customs post, but also of the Roman name...