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Thracian Funerary Bas-relief
Thracian funerary bas-relief, Greece, Thessalonica, 64 CE, Marble. Musée d'Art et d'Histoire (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels, Belgium). Made with ReMake and Recap Pro from AutoDesk. The Thracian horseman is carved in the upper register...

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Torso of Oreste
Torse of Oreste, a classicising Roman creation c. 50 BCE, Rome (?), Marble. Musée d’Art et d’Histoire (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels, Belgium). Made with ReMake and ReCap Pro from AutoDesk. The teenager’s torso is originally part of...

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Portrait Bust of the Philosopher Pythagoras
Portrait of the philosopher Pythagoras (?), Roman copy of an original classic period, Italy (?), Marble. Musée d’Art et d’Histoire (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels, Belgium). Made with CapturingReality. This bust is a Roman replica of...

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Votif Summerian - 3D View
votive relief, reign of Naram-Sin (2255-2219 BCE), or more recent. Terracotta, traces of polychromy. Musée du Cinquantenaire (Brussels, Belgium). Made with CapturingReality. For more updates, please consider to follow me on Twitter at...

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Western Wall in Jerusalem - 3D View
The Western Wall in Jerusalem has been the center of Jewish learning and memory for over 2,000 years. As the only fragment of the Great Temple to survive the Roman destruction in 68 CE, the wall is omnipresent in the historical Jewish consciousness...

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Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem - 3D View
The site of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem is identified as the place both of the crucifixion and the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth. The church has long been a major pilgrimage center for Christians all around the world. The consecration...

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Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem - 3D View
The Dome of the Rock is an Islamic shrine located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. It was initially completed in 691 CE at the order of Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik.

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Lausanne Cathedral Gate - 3D View
This is the main gate of the cathedral in Lausanne, Switzerland. The cathedral dates back to 1175 CE, but the gate in its current form was reworked in 1909 CE. (It was designed by Raphael Lugeon.)

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Library of Celsus - 3D View
The Library of Celsus is an ancient Roman building in Ephesus, Anatolia, now part of Selçuk, Turkey. It was built in honour of the Roman Senator Tiberius Julius Celsus Polemaeanus completed between circa 114–117 CE by Celsus’ son, Gaius Julius...

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Lighthouse of Alexandria - 3D Model
The Lighthouse of Alexandria was built on the island of Pharos outside the harbours of Alexandria, Egypt c. 300 - 280 BCE, during the reigns of Ptolemy I and II. With a height of over 100 metres (330 ft), it was so impressive that it made...