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Amphipolis Tomb Model
The 4th century BCE burial mound at Amphipolis was discovered in 2012 CE and it is one of the most important archaeological finds of the last 40 years. It has a surrounding wall measuring almost 500 metres in circumference and constitutes...

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Bust of Alexander the Great
A bust of Alexander the Great, 2nd-1st century BCE. Said to be from Alexandria, Egypt. (The British Museum, London).

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Temple of Concordia, Agrigento
The Temple of Concord Constructed between 450 and 430 BCE, it is one of the best-preserved Greek temples anywhere and is often described as the Parthenon of Magna Graecia. Measuring 40 x 17 metres, the Doric temple was probably dedicated...

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Homolovi I and the Adobe Pueblo - 2017
The ancestral Hopi village of Homol’ovi and the satellite village of called the AdobePueblo, recorded in August of 2017. This ancient village was home to a number of Hopi clans from around AD 1280 to 1400. The original village utilized stone...

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Metsamor - Excavation Sequence S16
Different stages of the excavation in Sector VIII - Square 16. The models are showing the progress during a two weeks period in the 2015 season of Metsamor, Armenia. The stone walls belong to a partially underground structure of so far unknown...

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The Ancient City of Paquimé
Casas Grandes or Paquimé, a prehistoric archaeological site in Mexico, has not been mapped since a hand drawing of the location was completed in the 1950s. In July 2015, Scott Ure and a team from Brigham Young University used drone technology...

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Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta Indonesia
The Prambanan temple is the largest Hindu temple of ancient Java, and the first building was completed in the mid-9th century. It was likely started by Rakai Pikatan as the Hindu Sanjaya Dynasty’s answer to the Buddhist Sailendra Dynasty’s...

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Viking Silver Bead from Hedeby
A Viking silver bead, inspired from a globular dress pin in borre style found in Hedeby or "Haitabu," Germany.

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Borobudur Temple Indonesia
Borobudur, or Barabudur is a 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist temple in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia, as well as the world’s largest Buddhist temple, and also one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world.

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Chaco Canyon Pueblo Bonito
900 year old ruins in New Mexico - This is an entrance way and first room leading into a series of connected rooms (separate models) which are two stories high and were used for storage of corn.