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3D Image
Shiva Linga
A Shiva linga (Caturmulhalinga) , Bihar, North-Eastern India, 4th-10th century CE. Musée du Cinquantenaire (Brussels, Belgium). Made with ReMake and ReCap pro from AutoDesk. The phallus (linga) with the four (catur) faces (mukha) is a...

3D Image
Egyptian Family Group
Egyptian Family Group, 1550 BCE, Egypt. Musée du Cinquantenaire (Bruxelles, Belgium). Made with ReCap photo pro from AutoDesk.
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3D Image
Roman Woman as Hygieia
A Roman woman as Hygieia, Goddess of Health, from minturnae in Campania, 2nd cenury CE, marble. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with ReMake and ReCap from AutoDesk. for more updates, please consider to follow me on Twitter...

3D Image
Greek Wrestlers
Two wrestlers in combat, Greek, Hellenistic 3rd century BCE. Roman copy. Florence, Galleria delgli Uffizi Inv. 216. The Royal Cast Collection (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with Memento Beta (now Remake) from Autodesk. For more updates...

3D Image
Discobolus (head modern) from Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli Myron. Greek, 460-450 BCE (Roman copy). Height: 155 cm. Vatican, Sala della Biga. Inv. 2346. The Royal Cast Collection (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with Memento Beta (now ReMake) from...

3D Image
Portrait of the Emperor Gallienus
Portrait of the Emperor Gallienus Type 2 (‘Alleinherrschertypus’), 261-268 CE, Rome (?), Marble. Musée du Cinquantenaire (Brussels, Belgium). Made with ReMake and ReCap from AutoDesk. This portrait, type 2, when Gallien (reign 253-268...

3D Image
Head of a Maenad
Head of the maenad called “Apollo Tyszkiewicz”, Roman archaic creation from the middle of the 1st century BCE, Greece (?), Marble. Musée du Cinquantenaire (Brussels, Belgium). Make with ReMake and ReCap from AutoDesk. This work, created...

3D Image
The Arrontino (Blade-Sharpener)
The Arrontino (Blade-Sharpener). Found before 1536 CE. The figure was once wrongly attributed to Michelangelo. Greek, 2nd century BCE. Roman copy. Plaster made from original, Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi. The Royal Cast Collection (Copenhagen...

3D Image
Hercules from Hadrian's villa in Tivoli Skopas. Greek, mid 4th century BCE, Rome copy, Malibu, J.p. Getty Museum. The Royal Cast Collection (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with Memento Beta (now ReMake) from AutoDesk. Herakles, born Alcaeus...

3D Image
Bust of a Roman Rhetorician
Bust of a rhetorician, 200-235 CE, Asia Minor, Smyrna (‘Diana’s Bath’), marble, Cinquentenaire Museum (Brussels, Belgium). Made with ReMake and ReCap from Autocad. This portrait is well-preserved with the nose intact, the polish of the...