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Etruscan Cinerary Urn
An Etruscan cinerary urn on a podium. Chamber tomb of the Pruni family near Chiusi, Etruria, Italy. 200-100 BCE. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with Memento Beta (now ReMake) from AutoDesk. An old man is reclining on...

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Roman Wild Boar
Seated Wild Boar, Roman (300 BCE), plaster copy (137 x 154 x 93 cm), The Royal Cast Collection (Denmark, Copenhagen). Made with Memento Beta (now ReMake) from AutoDesk.
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Etruscan Sarcophagus
Etruscan sarcophagus, 250-10 BCE, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with Memento Beta (now ReMake) from AutoDesk. A well-preserved head shows the woman’s white skin and reddish hair. Her coiffure was usually gathered in...

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Roman Man Wearing a Wreath
A Roman man wearing a wreath, sanctuary of Diana. 1st century CE, Marble. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with Memento Beta (now ReMake) from AutoDesk. The middle-aged man wears a wreath of flowers around his head, perhaps...

3D Image
Ganesha, Region of Mathura, North India, 10th - 11th century CE, pink sandstone. Musée du cinquentenaire (Brussels, Belgium). Made with ReMake and ReCap from AutoDesk.
For more update, please follow @GeoffreyMarchal on Twitter.

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Guanyin (Avalokitesvara), Wood with remains of paint, China, 1200s CE, National Museum (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with Memento Beta (now Remake) from Autodesk. This bodhisattva is the principal savior figure in Mahayana Buddhism. Also...

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The Altarpiece - the Crucifixion
The altarpiece was procured for Esrum Abbey by its abbot in 1496 CE, Peder Andersen. After the Lutheran Reformation it was used in St. Olaf Church in Elsinore and later in Holme Olstrup Church in southern Sjalland. National Museum of Denmark...

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The Elephant God Ganesha
The elephant god Ganesha, Like the dancing Shiva and goddess Parvati Ganesha was found in the soil in Tranquebar 1799. Bronze. South India. Approximately 1200th. The National Museum of Denmark (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with Memento Beta...

3D Image
Vishnu, Preserver of the Universe, circa 1100 CE, India, The National museum of Denmark (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with Memento Beta (now ReMake) from AutoDesk. The stone sculpture next to the showcase shows Vishnu resting on top of Sesha...

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Castor and Pollux
Castor and Pollux, or Kastor and Polydeukes or ‘Iidefonso group’. Plaster, The Royal Cast Collection (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with Memento Beta (now ReMake) from AutoDesk. The original dated about 25 BCE. Earlier in Sallust’s gardens...