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Introduction to The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion
Video by The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion

Introduction to The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion

Description and discussion of the grand building project of the Great Stupa of Universal Compassion in Victoria, Australia, the largest stupa in the western world.
Centuries-old Stupa in Pakistan Tells Tales of Kings and Their Enemies
Video by Al Arabiya English

Centuries-old Stupa in Pakistan Tells Tales of Kings and Their Enemies

A Buddhist stupa in Pakistan, claimed by few to be 4,500 years old, is attracting local and international tourists who hear numerous tales of ancient kings and their enemies who inhabited the area in ancient times.
The Ghost Ship Of Henry VIII | Mary Rose | Timeline
Video by Timeline - World History Documentaries

The Ghost Ship Of Henry VIII | Mary Rose | Timeline

One of the biggest unsolved mysteries in British history: the identity of the crew of the Mary Rose. It reveals a startling new explanation for why the Mary Rose sank. The Mary Rose sank to the bottom of the sea on 19 July 1545. Almost...
Life of Emperor Nerva #12 First of the Best Emperors
Video by The SPQR Historian

Life of Emperor Nerva #12 First of the Best Emperors

Emperor Nerva is the first of the 'Five Good Emperor'. However, his reign proved to be fairly lackluster and he only reigned for 15 months and during his short time on the throne, his Praetorian Guards took him hostage and forced him to give...
Trajan - The Best Emperor #13 (Optimus Princeps) Roman History Documentary Series
Video by The SPQR Historian

Trajan - The Best Emperor #13 (Optimus Princeps) Roman History Documentary Series

Named Optimus Princeps or the best emperor during his time. Trajan has been remember as one of the best Roman Emperors and he presided over a period of renewed conquest and during his reign the empire would reach it's greatest extent and...
Iran Chogha Zanbil Ziggurat
Video by Persian_boy

Iran Chogha Zanbil Ziggurat

Chogha-Zanbil Ziggurat زيگورات چغازنبيل is a pyramidal structure located in an immense plateau near the city of Shush in Khuzestan Province in southwestern Iran. It’s an ancient temple which was once one of the most sacred sites for the...
Visiting the Ziggurat Chogha Zanbil & The Palace of Susa
Video by kristina gaboyan

Visiting the Ziggurat Chogha Zanbil & The Palace of Susa

If you are planning to go to Iran, visit Shushtar (the ziggurat) and visit the city Shush (the palace).
Chogha Zanbil
Video by IranianTours

Chogha Zanbil

Chogha Zanbil, Dur Untash in Elamite language, is an ancient Elamite complex in Khuzestan province of Iran. It is one of the few existing ziggurats outside Mesopotamia.
Mount Nemrut and the God King of Commagene
Video by Faces of Ancient Europe

Mount Nemrut and the God King of Commagene

Mount Nemrut is a monumental site belonging to the Kingdom of Commagene, a small, independent Armenian kingdom that was formed in 162 BCE. This was a period during which the once mighty Seleucid Empire was beginning to disintegrate, allowing...
Mount Nemrut and King Antiochus
Video by Liesbeth diary

Mount Nemrut and King Antiochus

Mount Nemrut and King Antiochus, Commagene Kingdom, The most detailed documentary!