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Life of Emperor Vespasian #9 - The Citizens Emperor, Roman History Documentary Series
Video by The SPQR Historian

Life of Emperor Vespasian #9 - The Citizens Emperor, Roman History Documentary Series

Emperor Vespasian was a self-made man who was loved by the Roman people and his successors. He was able to save the Empire after the crash of the Julio-Claudian dynasty! He has been called the Citizens Emperor, a man of the people. In this...
Life of Emperor Titus #10 - The Good Emperor, Roman History Documentary Series
Video by The SPQR Historian

Life of Emperor Titus #10 - The Good Emperor, Roman History Documentary Series

Emperor Titus was the first emperor to succeed his biological father on the imperial throne. He is considered to be one of the few good emperors. His short reign is best remembered for the opening of the Flavian Amphitheater(Colosseum) in...
Khalifeh Glassblowers of Sarafand - Lebanon  (english subtitles)
Video by Ziad Abichaker

Khalifeh Glassblowers of Sarafand - Lebanon (english subtitles)

A brilliant 3 minutes video by the talented Charbel Sidawi depicting the glass blowing process used by the last artisans of Lebanon, the Khalifeh brothers of Sarafand. For more info please visit the Green Glass Recycling Initiative for Lebanon...
Comparison of the Greek City-States: Athens vs Sparta
Video by Ancient History Encyclopedia

Comparison of the Greek City-States: Athens vs Sparta

Athens vs Sparta! Learn all about the similarities and differences of the Greek City-States, Athens and Sparta! This short comparison with Kelly Macquire discusses the important differences between Athens and Sparta during the height of their...
Plagues and Pandemics in the Ancient and Medieval World
Video by Ancient History Encyclopedia

Plagues and Pandemics in the Ancient and Medieval World

Learn all about the Plagues and Pandemics in the Ancient and Medieval world! In this video Kelly Macquire discusses the most prominent plagues that the human race has overcome in history, and the effects they had on the populations. The...
World's Oldest Intact Shipwreck Discovered in the Black Sea
Video by Sky News

World's Oldest Intact Shipwreck Discovered in the Black Sea

The world's oldest intact shipwreck has been discovered in the Black Sea after the most technologically advanced search ever. Carbon dated to 500 BCE, the ship is among 72 found at the bottom of the sea and may have been depicted on an...
The Origin and History of the B.C.E / C.E Dating System (As well as B.C/A.D)
Video by The Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

The Origin and History of the B.C.E / C.E Dating System (As well as B.C/A.D)

In recent years, a persistent criticism has been leveled against the use of the BCE/CE system (Before the Common or Current Era/Common or Current Era) , rather than BC/AD (Before Christ/Anno Domini or 'Year of Our Lord'), in dating historical...
Henry VIII (1509 - 1547) - 10 Minute History
Video by History With Hilbert

Henry VIII (1509 - 1547) - 10 Minute History

If anyone is sitting their A-Level History Tudor Exam this June, which I know many of my subscribblers are, then this video might be useful for you as it covers the basic knowledge of Henry VIII's reign covering his Inheritance and Earl Reign...
Plague in the Ancient and Medieval World
Video by The Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

Plague in the Ancient and Medieval World

The word 'plague', in defining a lethal epidemic, was coined by the physician Galen (l. 130-210 CE) who lived through the Antonine Plague (165 - c. 180/190 CE) but the disease was recorded long before in relating the affliction of the Plague...
Osman I - Ottoman Rulers #1
Video by Kings and Things

Osman I - Ottoman Rulers #1

In the latter years of the 13th century Osman I inherited the leadership over the Kayı tribe, which at the time controlled little more than a small town in northwestern Anatolia. By the end of his reign, he had captured a series of fortresses...