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Medieval Kingdoms: Total War - (Rome 2 Mod) :The Battle of Poitiers 19th  September 1356 AD
Video by Medieval Warrior

Medieval Kingdoms: Total War - (Rome 2 Mod) :The Battle of Poitiers 19th September 1356 AD

The Battle of Poitiers was fought on 19 September 1356 in Nouaillé, near the city of Poitiers in Aquitaine, western France. An army of English, Welsh, Breton and Gascon troops, many of them veterans of Crécy, led by Edward, the Black Prince...
Pons Fabricius - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Pons Fabricius - Ancient Rome Live

This is the oldest bridge in Rome, dating to 62 BCE. It joins the Campus Martius area to the Tiber Island. Today it is a pedestrian bridge. The successful use of building materials and engineering (the arch) are quintessential features...
Pons Aemilius - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Pons Aemilius - Ancient Rome Live

The Pons Aemilius (now known as the Ponte Rotto), dating to the era of Augustus (r. 27 BCE - 14 CE), was one of Rome's largest ancient bridges. Three arches were still standing in the Renaissance and plans were made to reconstruct the lost...
Basilica Aemilia-Paulli - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Basilica Aemilia-Paulli - Ancient Rome Live

The Basilica Aemilia- Paulli is a law court in the Roman Forum is a rich history. The first basilica built on this site was the 2nd Century BCE. The definitive structure on site was built by Augustus (though in Paullus' name) with a massive...
Clivus Capitolinus - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Clivus Capitolinus - Ancient Rome Live

The Clivus Capitolinus is the prime road in antiquity that led you from the Roman Forum to the Capitoline Hill. It goes past the Temple of Saturn on one side and the Temple of Vespasian and Portico of the Harmonious Gods on the other. It...
Portico of Harmonious Gods - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Portico of Harmonious Gods - Ancient Rome Live

The Portico of the Harmonious Gods is located on the slopes of the Capitoline Hill, overlooking the forum. Butting up against the "Tabularium" structure, it is across the street (Clivus Capitolinus) from the Temple of Saturn. It possibly...
Pons Cestius - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Pons Cestius - Ancient Rome Live

The Pons Cestius one of the bridges from ancient Rome that is still standing and use, connecting traffic from Trastevere to the Tiber Island. From the 1st Century BCE, to substantial rebuilding in the fourth, then again in the late 19th...
Forum Holitorium - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Forum Holitorium - Ancient Rome Live

The Forum Holitorium was the vegetable and oil market of ancient Rome, and was nestled between the Forum Boarium (Rome's cattle market) and the Campus Martius. Learn more about Ancient Rome at This content...
Arch of Augustus in the Roman Forum - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Arch of Augustus in the Roman Forum - Ancient Rome Live

Located in the Roman Forum, between the Temple of Divus Julius and Temple of the Castores, this triple arch celebrated either Augustus' victory over Cleopatra and Mark Antony at the Battle of Actium in 30 BCE (Actium Arch) or celebrated his...
Column of Phocas - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Column of Phocas - Ancient Rome Live

The column of Phocas is a column that refers to the Byzantine emperor Phocas (r. 602-610 CE), but it was in fact a column erected in the forum piazza to correspond with the late honorary columns, so it probably dates to the reign of Diocletian...