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Tiber Island - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Tiber Island - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

The Tiber Island is almost 300 X 70 meters, which the Romans referred to as “inter duos pontes” between the two bridges. It seems most of its mass is owed to the formation of a sandbar, historically added to by the Romans, as an easier way...
Basilicas (General) - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Basilicas (General) - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

The term comes from the Greek word “kingly hall” to describe the covered public hall or stoa that the Romans first built in the forum area in the 2nd Century BCE for conducting legal and business activities. The Basilica Porcia was first...
Amphitheatrum (Amphitheaters) General - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Amphitheatrum (Amphitheaters) General - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

This is a uniquely Roman structure whose definition, a theater with seating on all sides, borrows from the Greek terms “amphi” on all sides and theater, a Greek construction, specifically created viewing gladiatorial spectacles in the central...
Roman Tombs - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Roman Tombs - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

Tombs in ancient Rome were structures of varying dimensions (holding individual bodies and/ or ashes of deceased or containing entire households or communities) that were the focus of daily and annual rituals. Burial plots would range from...
Roman Theaters - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Roman Theaters - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

Theaters in Rome were constructed temporarily in the Republican era for annual festivals, notably for Magna Mater on the Palatine and Apollo in the Campus Martius. The structures were made of wood and set up fo the performances, then dismantled...
Roman Arches (General) - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Roman Arches (General) - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

The arch is one of the most quintessential features of Roman architecture. It appears in aqueduct arcades, bridges, and many monumental structures like free-standing amphitheaters, stadiums, etc. Although the Romans didn’t create the arch...
Temple of the Nymphs - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Temple of the Nymphs - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

The temple remains visible on the Via delle Botteghe Oscure were discovered during the 1930s CE urban renewal project. The two columns were re-erected in the 1950s CE on the temple podium. The column drums are travertine, faced with stucco...
Roman Bridges (General) - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Roman Bridges (General) - Ancient Rome Live

The Romans employed the arch in the construction of their bridges to span the Tiber River, approximately 100 m wide. The actual arches were composed of voussoir blocks typically faced in ashlar blocks (tuff, travertine) with a concrete rubble...
Colosseum Valley - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Colosseum Valley - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

The Colosseum (the Flavian amphitheater) is the largest amphitheater the Romans ever constructed, with a circumference of 545 m, height of 50 m, 189m long and 156m wide. The exterior wall of travertine stone has been estimated to 100,000...
The Rise and Fall of the Byzantine Empire - Leonora Neville
Video by TED-Ed

The Rise and Fall of the Byzantine Empire - Leonora Neville

Check out our Patreon page: View full lesson: Most history books will tell you that the Roman Empire fell in the fifth...