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Colosseum - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Colosseum - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

The Colosseum (the Flavian amphitheater) is the largest amphitheater the Romans ever constructed, with a circumference of 545 m, height of 50 m, 189m long and 156 wide. The exterior wall of travertine stone has been estimated to 100,000 tons...
Arcus Argentariorum (Arch of Argentarii) - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Arcus Argentariorum (Arch of Argentarii) - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

The Severan-era arch was commissioned by the bankers and merchants of the Forum Boarium (204 CE) in honor of the emperor Septimius Severus, according to the dedicatory inscription (CIL 6.1035). The entire monument, abutted by the much later...
Basilica of Neptune - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Basilica of Neptune - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

The term comes from the Greek word “kingly hall” to describe the covered public hall or stoa that the Romans first built in the forum area in the 2nd century BCE for conducting legal and business activities. The Basilica Porcia was first...
Campus Martius - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Campus Martius - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

The Campus Martius is the massive flood plain defined by the massive curve of the Tiber River that stretches from above Piazza del Popolo to beyond the Tiber Island, roughly over a square mile. This flood plain was a place of exercise and...
Colosseum from the Top Wall - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Colosseum from the Top Wall - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

The Colosseum (the Flavian amphitheater) is the largest amphitheater the Romans ever constructed, with a circumference of 545 m, height of 50 m, 189m long and 156 wide. The exterior wall of travertine stone has been estimated to 100,000 tons...
Forum Piazza - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Forum Piazza - Ancient Rome Live

The central forum piazza, about the size of a football field was a place of meeting and socialization, assembly, voting, riots and entertainment (gladiator fights). This site was inundated with statuary of every type, hemmed in with honorary...
Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey) - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey) - Ancient Rome Live

The Roman Emperor Constantine founded Constantinople on Byzantium, a strategic site for controlling the Bosphorus by the Greeks and as recently as Septimius Severus. This city was Constantine's "New Rome" with churches, walls, hippodrome...
National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

Learn about the ancient Etruscans at the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia, arguably the most important collection of ancient art about the Etruscans and ancient Italic cultures. Join Archaeologist Darius Arya of #ancientromelive...
Portico of Octavia - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Portico of Octavia - Ancient Rome Live

The Portico of Octavia in the Circus Flaminius, part of the southern Campus Martius, was the monumental entrance to a complex with two temples - Jupiter and Juno- surrounded by porticoes. The first on the spot was 2nd Century BCE, built...
Temple of Faustina & Antoninus Pius - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Temple of Faustina & Antoninus Pius - Ancient Rome Live

Located in the Roman Forum, this is one of the best-preserved temples in Rome. The temple was dedicated to Faustina and then Antoninus Pius. It is so well preserved because the temple was converted into the Church of St. Lawrence of the...