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Spirits: The Dís and Fylgja in Norse Myth
Video by Jackson Crawford

Spirits: The Dís and Fylgja in Norse Myth

Most of our sources for Norse myth tell of gods and great heroes, but constant references in the sagas also reveal a belief in spirits called dís (plural dísir) and fylgja (plural fylgjur) that we only vaguely understand today. This is a...
Aptrganga: The Old Norse “Zombie”
Video by Jackson Crawford

Aptrganga: The Old Norse “Zombie”

The sagas tell us that the Vikings believed in an undead creature much like the zombie or traditional Eastern European portrayals of the vampire. Dr. Jackson Crawford is Instructor of Nordic Studies and Nordic Program Coordinator at the...
How were castles built / constructed in the medieval period?
Video by Shadiversity

How were castles built / constructed in the medieval period?

A video detailing the general construction principals and techniques of Medieval castles. Guedelon Castle website: Castle Playlist:
How to Take a Medieval Castle
Video by English Heritage

How to Take a Medieval Castle

Besieging a medieval castle was a difficult task – just look at the histories of Dover Castle​ and Kenilworth Castle​! Attacking armies often had to rely on ingenious tools and methods to get the job done. Find out more:
Roman Ruins at Avenches, Switzerland
Video by Carlo Bottiglieri

Roman Ruins at Avenches, Switzerland

2000 years ago, Aventicum — present-day Avenches, Switzerland — was the capital of Roman Helvetia. The Emperor Augustus founded the Roman city of Aventicum on the site of the Helvetian capital, and it was to be in its heyday in the 2nd century...
Full Metal Jousting - The Rules of the Joust | History
Video by HISTORY

Full Metal Jousting - The Rules of the Joust | History

Shane explains the point system and the essential do's and don't's of jousting. HISTORY®, now reaching more than 98 million homes, is the leading destination for award-winning original series and specials that connect viewers with history...
The Ant-Men of Antiquity
Video by Ancient History Encyclopedia

The Ant-Men of Antiquity

Forget the comics, let's have a look at the real ancient history of the ant-men! The Myrmidons were loyal to Achilles and fought with such a strength that they were descended from both the ant and the gods. If you like our videos, please...
Life in the Middle Ages The Knight
Video by guruburgess

Life in the Middle Ages The Knight

Life in the Middle Ages The Knight
7 Misconceptions About Medieval Knights
Video by Elite Facts

7 Misconceptions About Medieval Knights

7 Misconceptions about medieval knights Click Here To Subscribe! Follow us on googleplus: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter...
UNESCO Archives Film Collection - The World Saves Abu Simbel (1972)
Video by UNESCO

UNESCO Archives Film Collection - The World Saves Abu Simbel (1972)

Digitized by the UNESCO Archives. A production of UNESCO and the Abu Simbel Joint Venture. When the work began on the High Aswan Dam in Upper Egypt, the two temples of Abu Simbel, carved in the living rock which rises from the banks of...