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The Apocalyspe: Crash Course World Mythology #23
Video by CrashCourse

The Apocalyspe: Crash Course World Mythology #23

Mike Rugnetta is going to tell you stories of death, destruction, divine judgment, damnation, and the occasional happy ending. That's right, this week we're talking about the Apocalypse. Actually we're talking about a bunch of ways the world...
Ragnarok: Crash Course World Mythology #24
Video by CrashCourse

Ragnarok: Crash Course World Mythology #24

Ragnarok! It's the end of the world, Norse style. It's got everything you want in an apocalypse. Earthquakes, destruction, armies of the dead, a giant evil wolf, giants with flaming swords, and a kind of happy ending. It's got it all. But...
Hermes and Loki and Tricksters Part 2: Crash Course World Mythology
Video by CrashCourse

Hermes and Loki and Tricksters Part 2: Crash Course World Mythology

In which Mike Rugnetta continues to teach you about tricksters. In this episode, we're talking about tricksters as culture heroes. Basically, a culture hero is someone whose creativity adds to their mythological culture. We'll learn how the...
The Norse Pantheon: Crash Course World Mythology #10
Video by CrashCourse

The Norse Pantheon: Crash Course World Mythology #10

This week, we're headed north. To check out the gods of the Northmen. Or the Norse. That's right, we're talking Thor, Loki, Freyr, Freya, Odin, Frigg, Baldr, and Tyr. And Fenrir. And the Frost Giants. There's a lot to cover here, and it's...
Rama and the Ramayana: Crash Course World Mythology #27
Video by CrashCourse

Rama and the Ramayana: Crash Course World Mythology #27

The next entry in our parade of heroes is Rama, the protagonist of the Ramayana, one of India’s oldest stories. We’re going to be talking about Rama’s importance to Hindu culture, and how Rama fits into Campbell’s idea of the Hero’s Journey...
The Epic of Gilgamesh: Crash Course World Mythology #26
Video by CrashCourse

The Epic of Gilgamesh: Crash Course World Mythology #26

This week, we're continuing our discussion of heroes by talking about Gilgamesh, star of one of the earliest written hero stories, The Epic of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was a terrible ancient king who left his kingdom seeking adventure, and eventually...
What Is Myth? Crash Course World Mythology #1
Video by CrashCourse

What Is Myth? Crash Course World Mythology #1

Welcome to Crash Course World Mythology, our latest adventure (and this series may be literally adventurous) in education. Over the next 40 episodes or so, we and Mike Rugnetta are going to learn about the world by looking at the foundational...
Creation from the Void: Crash Course World Mythology #2
Video by CrashCourse

Creation from the Void: Crash Course World Mythology #2

Today on Crash Course Mythology we’re starting in on creation stories. This week, we’ll focus on the creation of the universe out of nothing, or Ex Nihlio creation. Basically, a god decides to make a universe out of nothing. We’ll look at...
Cosmic Sexy Time, Eggs, Seeds, and Water: Crash Course World Mythology #3
Video by CrashCourse

Cosmic Sexy Time, Eggs, Seeds, and Water: Crash Course World Mythology #3

In which Mike teaches you about the creation of the universe, with sex. This week we're talking about creations stories from Egypt, West Africa, Greece, China, and Persia that have a lot in common with human sexual reproduction. And also...
Earth Mothers and Rebellious Sons - Creation Part 3: Crash Course World Mythology #4
Video by CrashCourse

Earth Mothers and Rebellious Sons - Creation Part 3: Crash Course World Mythology #4

So, we’re still talking about sex this week, but we’re talking about Earth Mothers and their children. We'll start with Gaia, and her son Kronos, who had a classic childhood rebellion, and castrated his father. We'll also get into Kronos’s...