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Religions of Ancient China- Full English Audiobook
Video by Greatest AudioBooks

Religions of Ancient China- Full English Audiobook

An overview of the religions of China, beginning with Fu His ca. 2953-2838 B.C.E, and continuing through the nineteenth century. Herbert Allen Giles. Greatest Audiobooks. 2014.
Dao De Jing: Book of the way (Full English Translation)
Video by Nervous Nerd

Dao De Jing: Book of the way (Full English Translation)

Author of the Dao De Jing: Lao Tzu This is the Stephen Mitchell English translation of the Dao De Jing (or Tao Te Ching).
A Building Process of Traditional Chinese Architecture
Video by Mack Chien

A Building Process of Traditional Chinese Architecture

This brief video demonstrates one building process of traditional Chinese architecture.
Ancient China: Top Ten Works of Artistry
Video by VeniVidiVici!

Ancient China: Top Ten Works of Artistry

Thanks for watching. Han art Jade culture in china Neolithic pottery Source:
Ancient China: Ghost Stories
Video by Off the Great Wall

Ancient China: Ghost Stories

In this video, three of the strangest and most famous ghost stories of ancient China are discussed.
Ancient Chinese Art
Video by The New York Times

Ancient Chinese Art

Maxwell Hearn, the new head of Asian Art at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, demonstrates the art of understanding and appreciating Chinese scroll paintings, among other ancient Chinese art, and how those pieces are significant in connecting...
A Brief History of Chinese Art
Video by stalkingself

A Brief History of Chinese Art

This video describes the history of Chinese art in brief.
The Timeless Tale of the Hero's Journey: Full Film!
Video by Lifting The Veil / Cullen Smith

The Timeless Tale of the Hero's Journey: Full Film!

This film is an exploration of famed Mythologist Joseph Campbell's studies and their continuing impact on our culture. Through interviews with visionaries from a variety of fields interwoven with enactments of classic tales by a sweet and...
Machines Of Ancient China
Video by DocumFeed

Machines Of Ancient China

This video details the many mechanical and engineering feats of ancient and medieval China, many of which are the complex prototypes of current mechanical developments.
Ancient Chinese Inventions
Video by Tyrion Lannister

Ancient Chinese Inventions

This video describes the many inventions of ancient China extending to the Early Middle Ages, and how these innovations impacted other aspects of Chinese history.