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The Religion and Beliefs of Ancient China
Video by Courtney Meagher

The Religion and Beliefs of Ancient China

This video discusses the various religions and beliefs of ancient China.
The Heavenly King of The Chinese: Shang Di
Video by Ezekiel3Seventeen

The Heavenly King of The Chinese: Shang Di

This video describes the heavenly king and lord of the Chinese, Shang Di, and his significance to Chinese culture.
Chinese Religions Throughout The Dynasties
Video by The Chen Dynasty

Chinese Religions Throughout The Dynasties

This video describes the various religions of China throughout the dynasties, and associated beliefs.
Chinese Religion: A Lecture
Video by MrLynnHistory

Chinese Religion: A Lecture

Thus video is a short lecture on the religions of ancient China.
China's Religious History
Video by Tom Shoemaker

China's Religious History

This video describes various aspects of China's religious history.
Life in Ancient China
Video by Off the Great Wall

Life in Ancient China

This video describes the many interesting facts of daily life in ancient China including sanitation practices, cosmetics, and making natural predictions.
Chinese Makeup Routines Through the Dynasties
Video by Off the Great Wall

Chinese Makeup Routines Through the Dynasties

This video describes the various makeup routines present throughout Chinese history.
Chinese Hairstyles Through the Dynasties
Video by Off the Great Wall

Chinese Hairstyles Through the Dynasties

This video describes the various hairstyles throughout the Chinese dynasties.
Chinese Fashion Through the Dynasties
Video by Off the Great Wall

Chinese Fashion Through the Dynasties

This video describes the various fashion practices of ancient China across the dynasties.
Six Fascinating Facts About The Samurai
Video by Off the Great Wall

Six Fascinating Facts About The Samurai

Samurai are legendary warriors and perhaps the most well-known class of people in ancient Japan. They were noble fighters that fought evil (and each other) with their swords and frightening armor, following a strict moral code that governed...