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The History of Premodern Japan: The Heian Period (Part 2)
This lecture is a continuation of (Part 1) on the discussion of the Heian period of pre-modern Japan.
By: Kanda University of International Studies.

The History of Premodern Japan: The Heian Period (Part 1)
This lecture details the Heian period of Pre-modern Japan.
By: Kanda University of International Studies.

Visiting the Ise Grand Shrine
The Ise Grand Shrine is a Shinto shrine complex that is made up of multiple shrines in two main locations. According to legend, it was founded circa 2000 years ago, and the buildings are rebuilt every twenty years for preservation.

An inside look into Shintoism, a religion that was founded in ancient Japan.
Filmed By: Donte' Richardson

Japanese Religion: Shinto
Shinto is the indigenous religion of Japan, a life-affirming animism calling upon the blessings of the numinous forces of nature and of specific spirit deities. Shinto is largely associated with growth and prosperity; encouraging people to...

Mount Fuji: Japan
This brief video describes the famous site of Mount Fuji in Japan.

The History of Premodern Japan: A Quest for Origins
This video, describing the history of Premodern Japan (by Kanda University of International Studies), discusses the origins of Japanese culture and is part of a lecture series on ancient Japan.

Introduction to the Presocratics
In this lecture we introduce the Presocratics, discover why they deserve our attention, and investigate the difference between mythology and philosophy.
For more lectures visit

Introduction to Thales, Anaximenes, and Anaximander
In this lecture we investigate the ideas of the first three Presocratics, who are referred to as the Milesians: Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes. In particular, we will explain how they were in search of the arche, or the underlying source...

Introduction to Heraclitus
In this lecture we will learn about the life of Heraclitus, and his three main intertwined ideas: 1) everything is in flux, 2) the world is an ever living fire, and 3) war is the father of all. For more lectures visit