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Total War at the Ashmolean Museum: Storms, Wars and Shipwrecks
Video by Total War

Total War at the Ashmolean Museum: Storms, Wars and Shipwrecks

This year, Creative Assembly were invited to contribute to the ‘Storms, Wars and Shipwrecks’ summer exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, UK. Telling the story of the pivotal Mediterranean island of Sicily over the last 2500 years...
Battle of Thermopylae | Greatest Battles
Video by History Answers

Battle of Thermopylae | Greatest Battles

Made famous by the 1998 comic book and 2006 sword and sandal epic 300, the Battle of Thermopylae was the original against all odds conflict. For more historical facts and features, visit Or purchase...
Hanuman Chalisa
Video by manwanis

Hanuman Chalisa

The 'Hanuman Chalisa' is a 16th CE poem of about 40 verses extolling the monkey-god Hanuman: his devotion to Rama, his strength and wisdom, and his role in the Rama-Ravana battle. The poem is a popular one in India; many people recite it...
Hanuman - The God Of Courage
Video by TheGodsOfIndia

Hanuman - The God Of Courage

Lord Hanuman is best known for his Strength, Perseverance and most importantly courage. Hanuman's tale in the epic Ramayana - where he is assigned the responsibility to locate Rama's wife Sita abducted by Ravana, the demon king of Lanka...
Tyrian Purple | History of Colors | LittleArtTalks
Video by Little Art Talks

Tyrian Purple | History of Colors | LittleArtTalks

The most expensive purple dye reserved for the royals and worth its weight in silver: The history of Tyrian Purple! History of Colors Playlist: Flake White Lapis...
Tyrian Purple Dye: Ancients Used Marine Snails to Make It
Video by The New York Times

Tyrian Purple Dye: Ancients Used Marine Snails to Make It

CreatureCast: Tyrian purple was one of the only bright dyes available to ancient civilizations. This sought-after dye was created from the extracts of marine snails. Read the story here: Subscribe to the Times...
Tombs of King Shulgi
Video by Michael Meyer

Tombs of King Shulgi

U.S. Army soldiers explore the ancient City of UAncient City of Ur, exploring the Tombs of King Shulgi, builder of the Ziggurat of Ur. This video broadcast at various times on Armed Forces Network (AFN) worldwide in Oct- Nov 2006.
The Code of Ur-Nammu (Full Text)
Video by Ancient Recitations

The Code of Ur-Nammu (Full Text)

The Code of Ur-Nammu is the oldest surviving code of laws. Written in Sumerian in cuneiform and dating from around 2100 BC, what remains of the code of laws gives us an insight into Mesopotamian life around fifty years after the fall of...
Zoroaster Biography
Video by CloudBiography

Zoroaster Biography

Zoroaster Zoroaster, thought to be of Persian origin, founded the religion and philosophy of Zoroastrianism. See a related article at
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Video by Neanderthal78

The Epic of Gilgamesh

Great video I use in my classroom. The only reason I'm putting it up is that I want this for the rest of my career. The kids love it.