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Etruscan Art Through Faces
Video by Classics Confidential

Etruscan Art Through Faces

This video briefly depicts Etruscan art in a variety of forms through facial and body features. Uploaded and modified with permission from its original creator:
Estruscan Origins & Cities
Video by Ancient Cities

Estruscan Origins & Cities

This video takes viewers on a journey to the ancient cities Volterra, Populonia and Cervetari to see why Etruscan civilization was famous for its wealth, fine ceramics, handcrafts and bustling trade. It is a broad survey of the Etruscan civilization...
The Etruscans: A Lost Civilization
Video by Game of Throne

The Etruscans: A Lost Civilization

This documentary discusses the lost civilization of the Etruscans, precursors to the Romans, using a recent underwater excavation to highlight the main treasures of this archaic people and their way of life.
Predynastic Egypt
Video by Justin Walsh

Predynastic Egypt

This video describes many discoveries and cultural aspects of the Predynastic period of Egypt- a time period that is barely discussed in comparison to later Egyptian civilisation. This video was created with the YouTube Video Editor (
King Narmer: The First Egyptian King
Video by Dan Marchall

King Narmer: The First Egyptian King

This video attempts to discover more about King Narmer (the first Egyptian King before the Pharaohs). King Narmer reigned as King during the Predynastic period of Egypt.
The Unification of Egypt
Video by Mark Wilson

The Unification of Egypt

The formation of the first nation-state of the ancient world through the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt.
Egypt: Engineering an Empire
Video by Prince Corsica

Egypt: Engineering an Empire

This video describes a number of great engineering achievements completed by various pharaohs in an attempt to build an Empire. Menes, the founding king of the First Dynasty oversaw the construction of the world's first dam. The Pharaoh...
Egyptian Fashion and Cosmetics
Video by Amanda Hallay

Egyptian Fashion and Cosmetics

"Walk like an Egyptian" in this short episode where we sail up the Nile to look at the costume and cosmetic (and wig!) essentials of Ancient Egypt.
Saint Cyprian Of Carthage
Video by Christopher Hansard & Trisagionfilms

Saint Cyprian Of Carthage

Saint Cyprian was born around the year 200 in the city of Carthage in what is now the north African country of Tunisia. He was born Thascius Cyprianus, the son of a rich pagan senator. Like many children of wealthy parents in his day, Cyprian...
Cleopatra: The Real Story
Video by Chef Samir Shaltout

Cleopatra: The Real Story

This documentary depicts the true life of Cleopatra; a lot of historical evidence is provided.