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Tiresias the Blind Seer | Mythology w/ Dael Kingsmill
Video by Geek & Sundry Vlogs

Tiresias the Blind Seer | Mythology w/ Dael Kingsmill

Dael retells the tale of the blind seer Tiresias, and just how he managed to become a blind seer in the first place. Featuring lots of heteronormativity, a reliance on a gender dichotomy that doesn’t really exist, and a multitude of giggly...
Mesopotamia: Crash Course World History #3
Video by CrashCourse

Mesopotamia: Crash Course World History #3

In which John presents Mesopotamia, and the early civilizations that arose around the Fertile Crescent. Topics covered include the birth of territorial kingdoms, empires, Neo-Assyrian torture tactics, sacred marriages, ancient labor practices...
The Agricultural Revolution: Crash Course World History #1
Video by CrashCourse

The Agricultural Revolution: Crash Course World History #1

Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit to buy a set for your home or classroom. You can directly support Crash Course at Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep...
Indus Valley Civilization: Crash Course World History #2
Video by CrashCourse

Indus Valley Civilization: Crash Course World History #2

In which John Green teaches you about the Indus Valley Civilization, one of the largest of the ancient civilizations. John teaches you the who, how, when, where and why of the Indus Valley Civilization, and dispenses advice on how to be more...
Ancient Egypt: Crash Course World History #4
Video by CrashCourse

Ancient Egypt: Crash Course World History #4

In which John covers the long, long history of ancient Egypt, including the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms, and even a couple of intermediate periods. Learn about mummies, pharaohs, pyramids and the Nile with John Green. Crash Course World...
Buddha and Ashoka: Crash Course World History #6
Video by CrashCourse

Buddha and Ashoka: Crash Course World History #6

In which John relates a condensed history of India, post-Indus Valley Civilization. John explores Hinduism and the origins of Buddhism. He also gets into the reign of Ashoka, the Buddhist emperor who, in spite of Buddhism's structural disapproval...
The Persians & Greeks: Crash Course World History #5
Video by CrashCourse

The Persians & Greeks: Crash Course World History #5

In which John compares and contrasts Greek civilization and the Persian Empire. Of course we're glad that Greek civilization spawned modern western civilization, right? Maybe not. From Socrates and Plato to Darius and Xerxes, John explains...
‎2,000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: World History #7
Video by CrashCourse

‎2,000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: World History #7

2,000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: Crash Course World History #7 In which John introduces you to quite a lot of Chinese history by discussing the complicated relationship between the Confucian scholars...
Alexander the Great and the Situation ... the Great? Crash Course World History #8
Video by CrashCourse

Alexander the Great and the Situation ... the Great? Crash Course World History #8

In which you are introduced to the life and accomplishments of Alexander the Great, his empire, his horse Bucephalus, the empires that came after him, and the idea of Greatness. Is greatness a question of accomplishment, of impact, or are...
The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: Crash Course World History #9
Video by CrashCourse

The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: Crash Course World History #9

The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: In which John Green teaches you about the so-called Silk Road, a network of trade routes where goods such as ivory, silver, iron, wine, and yes, silk were exchanged across the ancient world, from China to...