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Video by Smarthistory

Apollonius, Boxer at Rest, c. 100 B.C.E.

More free lessons at: Apollonius, Boxer at Rest, c. 100 B.C.E., bronze, Palazzo Massimo, Museo Nazionale Romano, Rome
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Video by Smarthistory

The Pergamon Altar, c. 200-150 B.C.E.

More free lessons at: The Pergamon Altar, c. 200-150 B.C.E., 35.64 x 33.4 meters (Pergamon Museum, Berlin) View this work up close on the Google Art Project:
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Video by Smarthistory

Nike (Winged Victory) of Samothrace, c. 190 B.C.E.

More free lessons at: Nike (Winged Victory) of Samothrace, Lartos marble (ship) and Parian marble (figure), c. 190 B.C.E. 3.28m high (Musée du Louvre, Paris). The sculpture was unearthed in 1863...
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Video by Smarthistory

Dying Gaul, c. 220 B.C.E.

More free lessons at: Dying Gaul, ancient Roman marble copy of a lost bronze Greek sculpture, c. 220 BCE View this work up close on the Google Art...
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Video by Smarthistory

Barberini Faun, c. 220 B.C.E.

More free lessons at: Barberini Faun, c. 220 B.C.E. (Glyptothek, Munich) Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris & Dr. Steven Zucker
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Video by Smarthistory

Unknown sculptor, Venus, 4th century B.C.E.

More free lessons at: Unknown sculptor, Venus after the Greek original by Praxiteles from the 4th century B.C.E., Roman, 175-200 C.E. (Getty Villa) Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris, Dr. Francesca Tronchin...
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Video by Smarthistory

Lysippos, Apoxyomenos (Scraper), c. 330 B.C.E. (Roman copy)

More free lessons at: Lysippos, Apoxyomenos (Scraper), Roman copy after a bronze statue from c. 330 B.C.E., 6' 9" high (Vatican Museums) Speakers: Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris
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Video by Smarthistory

Lysippos, Farnese Hercules, 4th century B.C.E. (later Roman copy by Glycon)

More free lessons at: Lysippos, Farnese Hercules, 4th century B.C.E. (later Roman copy by Glycon)(Archaeological Museum, Naples) Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris & Dr. Steven Zucker
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Video by Smarthistory

Grave stele of Hegeso, c. 410 B.C.E.

More free lessons at: Grave stele of Hegeso, c. 410 B.C.E., marble and paint, from the Dipylon Cemetary, Athens, 5' 2" (National Archaeological Museum, Athens) Speakers: Dr. Steven Zucker and...
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Video by Smarthistory

Caryatid & Ionic Column, Erechtheion, 421-407 B.C.E.

More free lessons at: Caryatid (South Porch) and Ionic Column (North Porch), Erechtheion on the Acropolis, Athens, marble, 421-407 B.C.E. (British Museum, London); Mnesicles may have been the...