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Portrait Head of Queen Tiye with a Crown of Two Feathers
Video by Smarthistory

Portrait Head of Queen Tiye with a Crown of Two Feathers

More free lessons at: A conversation between Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker in front of Portrait Head of Queen Tiye with a Crown of Two Feathers, c. 1355 B.C.E., Amarna Period, Dynasty...
Thutmose, Bust of Nefertiti, c. 1340 BCE
Video by Smarthistory

Thutmose, Bust of Nefertiti, c. 1340 BCE

More free lessons at: Thutmose, Model Bust of Queen Nefertiti, New Kingdom, 18th dynasty, c. 1340 BCE, limestone and plaster (Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection/Neues Museum, Berlin)
Judgement in the Presence of Osiris, Hunefer's Book of the Dead
Video by Smarthistory

Judgement in the Presence of Osiris, Hunefer's Book of the Dead

More free lessons at: Hunefer's Judgement in the presence of Osiris, Book of the Dead, 19th Dynasty, New Kingdom, c. 1275 B.C.E., papyrus, Thebes, Egypt (British Museum). Erratum: near the end...
Ramesses II, Egypt, c. 1250
Video by Smarthistory

Ramesses II, Egypt, c. 1250

More free lessons at: Ramesses II, Herakleopolis (Temple of Harsaphes), New Kingdom, Egypt, c. 1250 B.C.E. (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology) Speakers: Monica...
Rosetta Stone, 196 B.C.E
Video by Smarthistory

Rosetta Stone, 196 B.C.E

More free lessons at: Rosetta Stone, 196 B.C.E., granite, 114.4 cm x 72.3 x 27.9 cm or 45 x 28.5 x 11 in. (British Museum, London) Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker
Adam Thompson - Maori Mythology & Archaeology
Video by Past Preservers

Adam Thompson - Maori Mythology & Archaeology

Adam says "I have made several films on archaeological subjects, have performed on-screen in many different films, and have a passion for editing. I have worked on projects in several Pacific Islands (Tokelau, the Samoas, Hawaii, Tubuai...
Arch of Constantine, 315 C.E.
Video by Smarthistory

Arch of Constantine, 315 C.E.

More free lessons at: Arch of Constantine, 315 C.E., Rome Speakers: Valentina Follo, Dr. Beth Harris, Dr. Steven Zucker
Colossus of Constantine
Video by Smarthistory

Colossus of Constantine

More free lessons at: The Colossus of Constantine, c. 312-15, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Musei Capitolini, Rome A conversation between Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker in front of the Colossus...
Basilica of Constantine, Rome, c. 306-312
Video by Smarthistory

Basilica of Constantine, Rome, c. 306-312

A conversation with Dr. Darius Arya and Dr. Beth Harris at the Basilica of Constantine, Rome, c. 306-312
Portraits of the Four Tetrarchs, c. 305
Video by Smarthistory

Portraits of the Four Tetrarchs, c. 305

Portraits of the Four Tetrarchs, from Constantinople, c. 305, porphyry, 4' 3" high (St. Marks, Venice)