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Video by thecreativeassembly

Legionary Kit

U.S. Army Special Forces 'Green Beret' combat veteran, Discovery Channel presenter and survivalist Mykel Hawke takes a look at the kind of equipment every Roman legionary was sent to war with over 1,500 years ago. How does it stack up to...
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Video by thecreativeassembly

The Throwing War

It wasn't all stabbing and slicing in ancient combat, during battle the air was often dark with thrown projectiles of various deadly natures. Taking a look at some of the man and machine-powered missile armaments of the Roman period is...
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Video by Smarthistory

Basilica of Constantine, Rome, c. 306-312

A conversation with Dr. Darius Arya and Dr. Beth Harris at the Basilica of Constantine, Rome, c. 306-312
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Video by Smarthistory

Artemision Zeus or Poseidon, c. 460 B.C.E.

Artemision Zeus or Poseidon, c. 460 B.C.E., bronze, 2.09 m high, Early Classical (Severe Style), recovered from a shipwreck off Cape Artemision, Greece (National Archaeological Museum, Athens) Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker...
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Digging History 10: The Late Republic

Video on the Late Roman Republic produced by the American Institute for Roman Culture.
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Digging History 9: The Roman Republic

Video on the Roman Republic produced by the American Institute for Roman Culture.
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Digging History 8: The Regal Period

The regal period largely coincides with the Archaic period, for Rome's development. Of course, a lot was going in what would develop into Rome before the famed foundation date of 753 BC (which was debated by ancient historians nevertheless...
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Digging History 7: The Architecture and Engineering of Rome

The Romans began building with local materials, wood, clay, and tuff (see Episode 3 for local materials and geology of the city). There are many sources from antiquity, but a good place to start is with the writings of Vitruvius (on architecture...