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Why did Britain lose Hanover? (Short Animated Documentary)
Video by History Matters

Why did Britain lose Hanover? (Short Animated Documentary)

As you'll have noticed, the United Kingdom doesn't include Hanover. However, from 1714 to 1837 both were ruled by the same monarchs and unlike Scotland and England prior to this, the two never unified and in fact they soon went their own...
The Greek Hero Bellerophon and his Flying Horse Pegasus
Video by Kelly Macquire

The Greek Hero Bellerophon and his Flying Horse Pegasus

Bellerophon or Bellerophontes is a hero in Greek mythology who is best known as the man who tamed the winged horse Pegasus. Bellerophon was the son of Poseidon the god of the sea and horses and Euynome, though his mortal father is given as...
The Moirai and Erinyes of Greek Mythology
Video by Kelly Macquire

The Moirai and Erinyes of Greek Mythology

The Moirai and the Erinyes are the Fates and the Furies of Greek mythology. The Moirai, which in Greek means parts or allotted portions, were the three goddesses of fate and destiny. Clotho, the spinner, Lachesis the disposer of lots, and...
Poem of the Righteous Sufferer - Oldest Stories Podcast
Video by Oldest Stories

Poem of the Righteous Sufferer - Oldest Stories Podcast

The Poem of the Righteous Sufferer, or Ludlul-Bel-Nimeqi, is one of the oldest works of theodicy in history, and part of a long running philosophical tradition in Mesopotamian society. Marduk, clad in splendor and robed in dread brings first...
The Poor Man of Nippur - World's first film in Babylonian
Video by Cambridge Archaeology

The Poor Man of Nippur - World's first film in Babylonian

"The Poor Man of Nippur" is a c. 3,000-year-old comic folk tale in Babylonian language. The main manuscript is a clay tablet from 701 BC found at the site of Sultantepe, in South-East Turkey. Recounted by a third-party narrator, it tells...
Prometheus the Greek Titan of Forethought who Gave Fire to Humanity
Video by Kelly Macquire

Prometheus the Greek Titan of Forethought who Gave Fire to Humanity

Prometheus is the titan god of forethought, is something of a trickster in Greek mythology, and is best known for his role in stealing fire and giving it to humanity, only to be punished severely by Zeus, the king of the gods. Despite being...
Schools in Ancient Mesopotamia  - Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilization, E23
Video by Digital Hammurabi

Schools in Ancient Mesopotamia - Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilization, E23

What was school like in Ancient Mesopotamia? How did scribes learn to read and write in a difficult language like Sumerian? Dr. Josh explores the education of these early bureaucrats. This series is based on the entertaining and engaging...
Scribes in Mesopotamia
Video by The Oriental Institute

Scribes in Mesopotamia

Professor of Hittite and Anatolian Languages Theo van den Hout tells us about who scribes in Mesopotamia and Anatolia were. This video was made for the Oriental Institute Museum special exhibit "Visible Language: Inventions of Writing...
Mesopotamian Scribes and their Craft - Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilization, E22
Video by Digital Hammurabi

Mesopotamian Scribes and their Craft - Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilization, E22

Who were the scribes that wrote in Sumerian and Akkadian in ancient Mesopotamia? Dr. Josh gives an introduction to these ancient bureaucrats and their craft. This series is based on the entertaining and engaging book, 'Ancient Mesopotamia...
Ancient History of Winter Solstice Traditions and Sites
Video by Kelly Macquire

Ancient History of Winter Solstice Traditions and Sites

The winter solstice, falling in December in the Northern hemisphere and June in the Southern hemisphere, is the shortest day and longest night of the year. The winter solstice, also referred to as ‘midwinter’ is associated with the idea of...