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Chinook Salmon Fishing
Video by 3StudentWork

Chinook Salmon Fishing

The Chinook Indian Nation resides in Washington and Oregon. They have lost rights to ancestral lands and cultural fishing practices. This video was created for the ANTH 317 North American Indian Cultures class during the Fall 2011 semester...
Chinook Justice: A Pacific Northwest Tribe's Fight for Recognition
Video by Chinook Indian Nation

Chinook Justice: A Pacific Northwest Tribe's Fight for Recognition

The Chinook Indian Nation, a nation indigenous to the modern day United States, has been fighting for federal recognition for over 20 years. The five tribes that make up the nation have been based at the mouth of the Columbia River in the...
Chinook Tilixam and the Cathlapotle Plankhouse
Video by Center for Columbia River History

Chinook Tilixam and the Cathlapotle Plankhouse

Chinook Nation Vice Chairman, Sam Robinson, discusses the historic relationship of the Chinook people to the Cathlapotle Plankhouse at a September 25, 2010 teacher workshop, Northwest Native Revolutions: The View from Cathlapotle
The Jicarilla Apache Creation Story
Video by Rocky Mountain PBS

The Jicarilla Apache Creation Story

Subscribe to our YouTube channel: The Jicarilla Apache have a relationship to the natural world that goes back to the beginning of time when their people emerged from the underworld. This special connection to...
Visiting the Site of the Mountain Meadows Massacre - One of the Worst Crimes of the Old West
Video by Sidetrack Adventures

Visiting the Site of the Mountain Meadows Massacre - One of the Worst Crimes of the Old West

On September 11, 1857, one of the most horrendous crimes of the old west took place, when over 120 members of a wagon train bound for California were killed in cold blood in southwestern Utah. This event, which is little remembered today...
The Mountain Meadows Massacre Explained
Video by Grunge

The Mountain Meadows Massacre Explained

Men, women, and children looking to practice their religion in peace… viciously slaughtered. Surely, that couldn't have happened in a country built on principles of freedom? #History #Massacre #Religion Setting the stage | 0:00 Utah...
Mountain Meadows Massacre - One Minute History
Video by One Minute History

Mountain Meadows Massacre - One Minute History

The Baker-Fancher party, composed of families from Arkansas, enters the Utah Territory and sets up camp at Mountain Meadows. Mormon militiamen, provoked by the rhetoric of Brigham Young, attack the emigrants while disguised as Native Americans...
Video by Tales Untold


Join Steve Stockton as he takes and indepth look at the history and legends of Mount Shasta. Join this channel to get access to perks: #MountShasta #SteveStockton #Shasta
The Three Gods: Baal, Yam, and Mot
Video by CanaaniteSoul

The Three Gods: Baal, Yam, and Mot

Three important Canaanite gods are Baal, Yam, and Mot. Their story is told in an epic myth found in the ruins of the city of Ugarit (destroyed by invading Sea People during the Bronze Age). Here we learn about them and what this myth represents...
Modoc Origin Myth
Video by singingfalalalala

Modoc Origin Myth

A narration of a Modoc origin myth.