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The Egyptian Book of the Dead - A Guide to the Underworld
Video by Kelly Macquire

The Egyptian Book of the Dead - A Guide to the Underworld

The Egyptian Book of the Dead, or better translated The Book of the Coming Forth by Day or Spells for Going Forth by Day is a collection of spells that help a deceased soul navigate the afterlife and make it to the Field of Reeds, or paradise...
Olympias: Mother to Alexander the Great and Second Wife of Phillip II of Macedon
Video by Kelly Macquire

Olympias: Mother to Alexander the Great and Second Wife of Phillip II of Macedon

Olympias, born with the name Myrtle, was the daughter of Neoptolemus, the king of Epirus, which was a Greek kingdom southwest of Macedonia and became the second wife of Philip II of Macedon, and is probably best known as the mother of Alexander...
Martin Luther and the 95 Theses
Video by Ryan Reeves

Martin Luther and the 95 Theses

The 95 Theses in many ways started the Protestant Reformation. Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the church door of Wittenberg, and the Catholic Church later excommunicated him for these views. But what are the 95 Theses? Why did Luther post...
Luther's Reformation Breakthrough
Video by Ryan Reeves

Luther's Reformation Breakthrough

While still a monk, Martin Luther had a breakthrough in his view on justification by faith alone. But what was Luther's breakthrough? What changed in Luther's view of salvation that led to the Protestant Reformation? This video explains Luther's...
Cleopatra VII Philopator: the Last Queen of Ancient Egypt
Video by Kelly Macquire

Cleopatra VII Philopator: the Last Queen of Ancient Egypt

Cleopatra VII Philopator was the last queen of Ancient Egypt before it was annexed as a province of Rome. Cleopatra VII Philopator lived between circa 69 and 30 BCE and ruled Ancient Egypt as queen between 51 and 30 BCE. She was the last...
Norse America: The Story of a Founding Myth
Video by Kelly Macquire

Norse America: The Story of a Founding Myth

In our interview with Gordon Campbell, we chat all about his new book Norse America: The Story of a Founding Myth. The book tells two stories. One story is that of the Norse proceeding in the 10th and 11th century from mainland Scandinavia...
Female Viking Warriors in History: Legendary Valkyries Shield Maidens
Video by Kelly Macquire

Female Viking Warriors in History: Legendary Valkyries Shield Maidens

From the sagas, the most famous type of female Viking warrior was the shield maiden who took up arms and fought side by side in battle with the men. Mirroring them in the spiritual world is the Valkyries (whose name literally means choosers...
Jan Zizka: One of the Greatest Generals in History
Video by History Uncovered

Jan Zizka: One of the Greatest Generals in History

Jan Žižka was a Czech military commander during the medieval Hussite Wars of (1419 - 1436) that took place in central Europe. He is remembered for his introduction of war wagons into medieval warfare: a mobile armored cart that allowed...
The History of Philosophy: Origins of Ancient Philosophy Around the Globe
Video by Kelly Macquire

The History of Philosophy: Origins of Ancient Philosophy Around the Globe

In honour of World Philosophy Day on November 18th, we are bringing you an introduction to the history of philosophy, and the origins of ancient philosophy from around the world! What is philosophy you may be asking? Well, the word philosophy...
History of the Phoenicians: The Maritime Superpowers of the Mediterranean
Video by Kelly Macquire

History of the Phoenicians: The Maritime Superpowers of the Mediterranean

The Phoenicians were the maritime superpowers of the Mediterranean. Their culture flourished and was at its most powerful between 1500 and 332 BCE when Alexander the Great entered the region and decimated the cities and their populations...