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Native America: Pre-Columbian America
Video by Heimler's History

Native America: Pre-Columbian America

Hear about what American was like before Whitey showed up in all of its diverse complexity. But I'll also talk about the Age of Exploration, Whitey's arrival in America, and the great Columbian Exchange.
Who Was The Real King MacBeth? | Timeline
Video by Timeline - World History Documentaries

Who Was The Real King MacBeth? | Timeline

The real Scottish king Macbeth was a far cry from the great Shakespearean villain, but his story was even more fascinating, presenter Tony Robinson discovers in his continuing series which uncovers the myths behind legendary British heroes...
The Story of a King & a Rebel
Video by Historic Royal Palaces

The Story of a King & a Rebel

This is the story of the King of Scotland, John Balliol (r. 1292-1296), and the Scottish rebel William Wallace (c. 1270-1305), prisoners at the Tower of London during the reign of Edward I of England (r. 1272-1307).
Mehrauli Archaeological Park
Video by Exploring India Vlogs

Mehrauli Archaeological Park

Mehrauli Archaeological Park is an archaeological area spread over 200 acre that consists of over 100 historically significant monuments. It is the only area in Delhi known for 1,000 years of continuous occupation, and includes the ruins...
Moundville Archaeological Park - Ancient America - Moundville, Alabama
Video by Mike Does History

Moundville Archaeological Park - Ancient America - Moundville, Alabama

Check out this enormous prehistoric mound site near Tuscaloosa, Alabama! Built during the Mississippian Period, these mounds have been standing here for hundreds of years, even before the arrival of Columbus. Make sure to check out more Mike...
Moundville: 2019 Native American Festival
Video by UA Museums

Moundville: 2019 Native American Festival

???? WATCH this video to take a look back at the 31st Moundville Archaeological Park and Museum Native American Festival to find out why participants think Moundville and the Festival are so special! ???? #Moundville #MoundvillePark #UAMuseums...
Illinois Adventure #1308
Video by WTVP

Illinois Adventure #1308

The remains of the most sophisticated prehistoric native civilization north of Mexico are preserved at Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site. Within the 2,200-acre tract, located a few miles west of Collinsville, Illinois, lie the archaeological...
Moundville: Something Special
Video by The University of Alabama

Moundville: Something Special

Moundville Archeological Park Director Bill Bomar says what's really old is new again after a $5 million dollar renovation.
Lost City of Cahokia | Animated Documentary | Myth Stories
Video by Myth Stories - Animated Legends

Lost City of Cahokia | Animated Documentary | Myth Stories

Welcome to Cahokia. Centuries ago, this area was home to a Native American metropolis bigger than London. Cahokia had astronomers who studied the stars and builders who erected vast structures. Their designs included hundreds of man-made...
Greek Goddess Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon in Greek Mythology
Video by Kelly Macquire

Greek Goddess Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon in Greek Mythology

The Greek goddess Artemis was the goddess of the hunt, wild nature and the moon in Greek mythology. She was the daughter of Leto and Zeus, and the twin sister to Apollo, the god of the sun, medicine and music among others. Artemis was a patron...