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Who Were Samoset, Massasoit, and Squanto
Video by NBC News Learn

Who Were Samoset, Massasoit, and Squanto

Samoset, Massasoit, and Tisquantum, or Squanto, were three indigenous men who played a key role when the Mayflower first landed in Massachusetts. "1620: Beyond Thanksgiving" is produced by NBC News Learn in partnership with NBC 10 Boston.
History of the Holidays: History of Thanksgiving | History
Video by HISTORY

History of the Holidays: History of Thanksgiving | History

Although Thanksgiving celebrations dated back to the first European settlements in America, it was not until the 1860s that Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday of November to be a national holiday.
Early Dynastic Mesopotamia | Ancient Documentary | The Sumerian and Akkadian Empires.
Video by Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

Early Dynastic Mesopotamia | Ancient Documentary | The Sumerian and Akkadian Empires.

The Early Dynastic Period of Mesopotamia is the modern-day archaeological term for the era in Mesopotamian history — 2900-2334 BCE — during which some of the most significant cultural advances were made including the rise of the cities, the...
The Egyptian Cinderella Story Debunked
Video by Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

The Egyptian Cinderella Story Debunked

The story of Cinderella is one of the most popular in the world. In the west, it has enjoyed a continuous following since its revision and publication by Charles Perrault in 1697 CE but the tale of the young heroine, unjustly forced into...
Enuma Elish  | The Babylonian Epic of Creation | Complete Audiobook | With Commentary
Video by Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

Enuma Elish | The Babylonian Epic of Creation | Complete Audiobook | With Commentary

This is the complete audiobook of the Enuma Elish : The Babylonian Epic of Creation that also comes with commentary. I hope that you all enjoy this awesome work that helps us better understand ancient Mesopotamian Mythology, Religion and...
The Black Death | Complete Audiobook | With Commentary | Medieval History
Video by Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

The Black Death | Complete Audiobook | With Commentary | Medieval History

The Black Death is the name given to the plague outbreak in Europe between 1347-1352 CE. The term was only coined after 1800 CE in reference to the black buboes (growths) which erupted in the groin, armpit, and around the ears of those infected...
Swallow's Dance // An Interview with Author Wendy Orr
Video by Ancient History Encyclopedia

Swallow's Dance // An Interview with Author Wendy Orr

Swallow's Dance by Wendy Orr is a beautiful portrait of the Aegean Bronze Age set during the time of the Theran eruption through the eyes of a young girl. This interview with our CEO Jan van der Crabben and author Wendy Orr discusses Wendy's...
Pilgrims to America and the limits of freedom - the Leiden chapter | Museum De Lakenhal
Video by Museum De Lakenhal

Pilgrims to America and the limits of freedom - the Leiden chapter | Museum De Lakenhal

In 2020, it will be 400 years since a group of colonists set sail for America on the ship the Mayflower and established the Plymouth Colony there. Today we know these migrants as: the Pilgrims. What many people don’t know, is that the...
[American Literature] William Bradford - Of Plymouth Plantation
Video by Mr. McDorman

[American Literature] William Bradford - Of Plymouth Plantation

A spoiler free introduction to this text. The content is intended for the students of my high school class. Though if you've stumbled across this video and have found it helpful, I'm glad to have been of use. Intro (0:00) About the...
The Sanctuary of Palestrina - Santuario della Fortuna Primigenia (manortiz)
Video by Luigi Manfredi

The Sanctuary of Palestrina - Santuario della Fortuna Primigenia (manortiz)

The sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia, is a magnificent sacred complex, dedicated to the goddess Fortuna, which dates back to the end of 2nd century B.C. It is highly likely that the sanctuary was built by the townspeople, who were probably...