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Book Review
Malta: Prehistory and Temples (Malta's Living Heritage)
How could a Neolithic society operating at a level that produced only slightly more than subsistence level support such complex architecture and art far in advance of that of the nearest and more distant cultures? This is the question David...

Book Review
How the Bible Became Holy
In How the Bible Became Holy, Michael Satlow narratively presents the history, developments, and trajectories of how the Bible became an authoritative text. Unlike many books which explore the development of the Canon, or Canons for Jews...

Book Review
Ancient Near East: The Basics
Routledge's series “The Basics” opens the doors to all people, especially non-academics and students, to explore the basics of certain topics. Daniel C. Snell, the L. J. Semrod Presidential Professor of History at the University of Oklahoma...

Book Review
The Responsive Self: Personal Religion in Biblical Literature of the Neo-Babylonian and Persian Periods
Susan Niditch, Professor and Chair of Religion at Amherst College, explores the various self-expressions of lived religion in the Jewish, post-exilic environment. With research interests and works in the ancient Near East, early Judaism...

Book Review
Spain: 1001 Sights. An Archaeological and Historical Guide
Spain: 1001 Sights is not a regular book on Archaeology, but a guide through the historical and archaeological heritage of Spain. Inside this guide you will find a large variety of cave paintings, dolmens and menhirs, Iberian and Celtic villages...

Book Review
"Warfare in the Ancient World" by Brian Todd Carey Is a book that not only explains warfare but why certain major events took place during ancient times. The book goes from the depths of the ancient Sumerians to the late Roman empire, a period...

Book Review
The Conflict Myth and the Biblical Tradition
The Conflict Myth & the Biblical Tradition traces conflict myth as an ideological tool for legitimization, or de-legitimization, of political entities throughout ancient West Asia. An assistant professor at Rutgers University in the Department...

Book Review
Ancient Warfare: Introducing Current Research
The purpose of this volume is not to offer a systematic overview of ancient warfare but, rather, to provide an update on the current research regarding various aspects of the subject. As such it is an erudite and eclectic mix of Bronze Age...

Book Review
The Incas (Peoples of America)
Terence D'Altroy is impressively described on the back cover of this book as 'Professor in Anthropology at Columbia University, Director of the Columbia Centre for Archaeology, and the world's leading Inca specialist.' and he does not disappoint...

Book Review
The Complete Illustrated History of the Inca Empire
By ignoring the wisdom of old adages and judging by its cover alone one might be forgiven for thinking this book was aimed at younger readers but, in fact, it is a wonderful and in-depth examination of every aspect of the Inca civilization...