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Ancient & Medieval Sports
Collection by Mark Cartwright

Ancient & Medieval Sports

In this collection of resources, we examine some of the sports that thrilled ancient and medieval audiences from the fast and furious chariot races of the Circus Maximus to the colour and pageantry of medieval jousts. We look at the hockey...
The Greek Philosophers
Collection by Mark Cartwright

The Greek Philosophers

In this collection of 20 biographies of ancient Greek philosophers, we examine the thoughts and lives of some of the most important thinkers in history. We look at the pre-Socratic philosophers and the titan trio of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle...
The Celts of Ancient Europe
Collection by Mark Cartwright

The Celts of Ancient Europe

In this collection, we examine in detail the Celtic peoples of ancient Europe. We look at their origins in central Europe with the Hallstatt and La Tène cultures, the warfare and migration of the Celts, their society, art, religious beliefs...
Scottish Medieval Monarchs
Collection by Mark Cartwright

Scottish Medieval Monarchs

In this collection, we present the 15 most important of the 21 monarchs to rule Scotland from the 11th to 16th century. For the first time forging a unified kingdom, the monarchs of this period were often warrior-kings who conquered the remoter...
Historical Swords From Around the World
Image Gallery by Arienne King

Historical Swords From Around the World

This image gallery showcases 28 styles of swords from around the world. This non-exhaustive list highlights different methods of swordmaking from throughout history.
Reconstructions of Asian Castles
Image Gallery by Arienne King

Reconstructions of Asian Castles

This high-definition gallery presents digital reconstructions of six iconic Asian castles, from Afghanistan to Japan. Many of these castles have taken damage since then due to wars, political instability, and even deliberate cultural destruction...
Pets in the Ancient Mediterranean
Image Gallery by Arienne King

Pets in the Ancient Mediterranean

The history of mankind is interwoven with the domestication of animals. Dogs may have been domesticated in prehistoric Europe perhaps as long as 36,000 years ago. The first cats are thought to have been domesticated in Egypt, while the invention...
Julio-Claudian Dynasty
Collection by Mark Cartwright

Julio-Claudian Dynasty

The Julio-Claudian dynasty is the collective name given to the first five emperors of the ancient Roman Empire. The name of the dynasty derives from the names of the two families from which its members came: the Julii Caesares and Claudii...
Faces of Roman Emperors: Imperial Crisis & the Barracks Emperors
Image Gallery by Arienne King

Faces of Roman Emperors: Imperial Crisis & the Barracks Emperors

A series of facial reconstructions of Roman emperors during the Crisis of the Third Century (235-284 CE), including the Gordian Emperors. These so-called "Barracks emperors" seized power during a time of turmoil, and their reigns were typically...
Faces of Roman Emperors: Nerva to the Severan Dynasty
Image Gallery by Arienne King

Faces of Roman Emperors: Nerva to the Severan Dynasty

A series of facial reconstructions of Roman emperors from the Nerva-Antonine Dynasty (96 CE-192 CE), the Year of the Five Emperors (193 CE) and the Severan Dynasty (193-235 CE). These photorealistic representations are only best guesses at...