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A Gallery of Women of Ancient Egypt
Image Gallery by Joshua J. Mark

A Gallery of Women of Ancient Egypt

The high status of women in ancient Egypt was reflected in many aspects of the culture but, notably, in the number of female deities who embodied the concept of the Divine Feminine and were honored by both women and men. Women were regarded...
A Gallery of Ancient Egyptian Monarchs & Nobility
Image Gallery by Joshua J. Mark

A Gallery of Ancient Egyptian Monarchs & Nobility

The monarchs and nobility were at the top of the social structure in ancient Egypt and were supposed to serve as role models for the rest of the people concerning the will of the gods and one’s proper response to their many blessings. The...
A Gallery of Ancient Egyptian Gods & Goddesses
Image Gallery by Joshua J. Mark

A Gallery of Ancient Egyptian Gods & Goddesses

The gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt were an integral aspect of the peoples’ daily lives, inhabiting not only the temples thought to be their homes but the streams, lakes, plains, and trees of the land and, of course, the Nile River. The...
A Gallery of the Indus Valley Civilization
Image Gallery by Joshua J. Mark

A Gallery of the Indus Valley Civilization

The Indus Valley Civilization (c. 7000-c. 600 BCE) is among the oldest in the world but, as it was only “discovered” in 1829 – after ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian sites had already been excavated – many of the “firsts” of civilization...
A Gallery of Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt
Image Gallery by Joshua J. Mark

A Gallery of Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt

Death in ancient Egypt was understood as a transition of the soul from the earthly plane to the afterlife, a rebirth, not a conclusion. After death, the soul passed through judgment by the god Osiris and, if justified by a life well-lived...
A Gallery of Ancient Egyptian Architecture
Image Gallery by Joshua J. Mark

A Gallery of Ancient Egyptian Architecture

Architecture in ancient Egypt reflected the Egyptian culture's values, primarily that of ma'at (harmony/balance) symbolized by the symmetry of the completed works. Exteriors and interiors were carefully planned and executed in accordance...
A Gallery of Ancient Egyptian Art
Image Gallery by Joshua J. Mark

A Gallery of Ancient Egyptian Art

Ancient Egyptian art was created to serve a practical purpose, not for its own sake, and so every piece had a specific function. At the same time, these works were crafted in accordance with the cultural value of ma'at (harmony) and so attention...
A Gallery of Ancient Egyptian Temples
Image Gallery by Joshua J. Mark

A Gallery of Ancient Egyptian Temples

The temple in ancient Egypt was the home of the deity it was built for, and the clergy attended the statue of that god or goddess as they would a living person. Every temple was designed with a forecourt, a reception area for public gatherings...
Ancient Egypt: Government & Religion
Collection by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egypt: Government & Religion

Government and religion in ancient Egypt were fully integrated beginning with the First Dynasty of Egypt (c. 3150 to c. 2890 BCE). The king was understood as a representative of a god, the specific deity sometimes changing with different...
Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt
Collection by Joshua J. Mark

Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt

Daily life in ancient Egypt was lived with an awareness of the gods and the understanding that they had given the people the gift of the most perfect place on earth. Ancient Egyptians worked at their jobs and performed community service for...