Driven. Stoic. Father. Golfer. Rascal. Flirt. Leader. Owner. Lecturer. Prankster. Dancer. Writer. Opiner. Creative. Dangerous. Historic. Charming. Genius. Honor the gods. Love your woman. Defend your country. Any problem in the world can be solved with the careful application of explosives. Speak softly but carry a small thermonuclear device. Somewhat absent minded IT pro, w/ a string of letters after my name (w00t!), proud pa of 2, drives a Buick. Quite simply, the most interesting man in the world! Formality? Overrated. I work in Information Technologies. I also lectured in Classical Studies. I write on Plato and Ancient Greek History, published in academic journals & Encyclopedias. I have offered papers at conferences throughout North America & Great Britain. I attended Cypress Creek High School (Houston, 1985), Texas A&M;, relocating to Indiana (Summer 1988). I graduated from IU with Baccalaureates in Ancient Philosophy with a minor in Religious Studies (1993) and then Ancient History with a minor in Ancient Greek (1994). I am a Teke (Tau Kappa Epsilon). I graduated from the University of Cambridge (Darwin College, 1997) with the M.Phil. I returned to IU for a stint and pursue my doctorate (haphazardly) while running my own IT company. I traveled extensively during my academic pursuits: Costa Rica, Columbia, Mexico, England (Ireland, Scotland), France, Germany, Italy (Rome / Vatican City), but above all Greece. I visited Greece & the Greek isles many times, lived in England just shy of two years. I am quite active in the Indiana Masonic families (esp. the Shrine), write as much as I can (expository & creative), am teaching myself Russian, and love to ballroom dance (meh, seriously, long before Dancing w/ the Stars). I enjoy both to camp and to attend Black Tie events throughout the year. I live in Indianapolis with my daughter MacKenzie (a teenager now, may the gods show mercy) & my son MacKade.
You can view my full CV at academia.edu
- B.A. Ancient Philosophy, Classical Studies (1993)
- B.A. Ancient History, Religious Studies (1994)
- M.Phil. Greek History (1997)
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