Chloe Genter

Chloe Genter


My journey on this lifelong road of self-discovery and learning began when I was about 11 years old or so. I remember coming across these really interesting History magazines in a local shop down my street. I became a girl obsessed and continued to buy every edition I could get my hands on. To this day, I still have this collection on my book shelf, now so battered and dog-eared from all the many times I read and re-read them. What it ignited in me was a world of possibility; a world where learning what had happened in the past could open my eyes to my present world—and the myriad of complexities that entails! Truly, what History can do for us is an endless list. From this love, it drove me to complete my Bachelors degree in which I studied Medieval History, Archaeology, Latin, and Sociology. From there, I made the pivotal decision to work in a more public-facing sphere, and completed my Masters of Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies. I currently work in the Museum Conservation field, where I treat and house objects for the benefit of the public.
