Christopher Berg

Christopher Berg


The author of Small Island, Big History (forthcoming), a book that examines British history through the lens of empire and imperialism, Christopher Berg’s research interests include citizenship, curriculum history, historical consciousness, and creating a “usable” past in the twenty-first century classroom. His public outreach extends internationally to southeastern Europe where he has been a contributing author for Historical Quest, a digital world history magazine in Athens, Greece, writing on diverse historical themes and topics for a Greek audience. Christopher’s research has been published in scholarly journals such as Curriculum History, SAGE Open, Journal of Elementary and Secondary Education, Reviews in History, a publication of the Institute for Historical Research, London, and De Re Militari, a publication of the Society for Medieval Military History.

Christopher studied Medieval & Renaissance studies with Lee Daniel Snyder at New College of Florida, the state’s honors college for the liberal arts. He studied modern history and biography with two-time Pulitzer Prize nominee James S. Olson at Sam Houston State University where he earned an advanced degree in Comparative World history with specializations in pre-modern World, modern Europe, and Early American history. A PhD candidate in Curriculum and Teaching at Northcentral University, Christopher’s dissertation examines the role of historical significance as a curricular model for improving historical literacy and student achievement.

As an undergraduate, Christopher was recognized as an “Outstanding Student in History and Political Science” and two-time recipient of the National Dean’s List. In graduate school, Christopher received two academic scholarships, was nominated for a university writing prize, and named “Outstanding Graduate Student” by the History Department, graduating summa cum laude and Phi Alpha Theta (History).

A faculty member of several institutions of higher education in the United States, Christopher teaches lower-division courses in American, European, and World history as well as surveys in the Humanities and World Religions. Majors-level courses include seminars in military studies that concentrate on the interplay of war & society and modern European history with emphases on Twentieth-Century Europe, World War I, and World War II and the Holocaust.

His website is


  • PhD candidate in Curriculum and Teaching
  • MA (Hons) in Comparative World history
  • MA in Religious studies
  • BA in History, conc.

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